Search Results for author: Paulo Mann

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

VIBES -- Vision Backbone Efficient Selection

no code implementations11 Oct 2024 Joris Guerin, Shray Bansal, Amirreza Shaban, Paulo Mann, Harshvardhan Gazula

This work tackles the challenge of efficiently selecting high-performance pre-trained vision backbones for specific target tasks.

See and Read: Detecting Depression Symptoms in Higher Education Students Using Multimodal Social Media Data

3 code implementations3 Dec 2019 Paulo Mann, Aline Paes, Elton H. Matsushima

However, nowadays, the data shared at social media is a ubiquitous source that can be used to detect the depression symptoms even when the student is not able to afford or search for professional care.

 Ranked #1 on Feature Engineering on 2019_test set (using extra training data)

Feature Engineering

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