Search Results for author: Paulo Shakarian

Found 28 papers, 5 papers with code

Metal Price Spike Prediction via a Neurosymbolic Ensemble Approach

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Nathaniel Lee, Noel Ngu, Harshdeep Singh Sahdev, Pramod Motaganahall, Al Mehdi Saadat Chowdhury, Bowen Xi, Paulo Shakarian

Predicting price spikes in critical metals such as Cobalt, Copper, Magnesium, and Nickel is crucial for mitigating economic risks associated with global trends like the energy transition and reshoring of manufacturing.

Error Detection and Constraint Recovery in Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification without Prior Knowledge

1 code implementation21 Jul 2024 Joshua Shay Kricheli, Khoa Vo, Aniruddha Datta, Spencer Ozgur, Paulo Shakarian

Recent advances in Hierarchical Multi-label Classification (HMC), particularly neurosymbolic-based approaches, have demonstrated improved consistency and accuracy by enforcing constraints on a neural model during training.

Hierarchical Multi-label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION

Geospatial Trajectory Generation via Efficient Abduction: Deployment for Independent Testing

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Divyagna Bavikadi, Dyuman Aditya, Devendra Parkar, Paulo Shakarian, Graham Mueller, Chad Parvis, Gerardo I. Simari

The ability to generate artificial human movement patterns while meeting location and time constraints is an important problem in the security community, particularly as it enables the study of the analog problem of detecting such patterns while maintaining privacy.

Metacognitive AI: Framework and the Case for a Neurosymbolic Approach

no code implementations17 Jun 2024 Hua Wei, Paulo Shakarian, Christian Lebiere, Bruce Draper, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Sergei Nirenburg

Metacognition is the concept of reasoning about an agent's own internal processes and was originally introduced in the field of developmental psychology.


Rule-Based Error Detection and Correction to Operationalize Movement Trajectory Classification

2 code implementations28 Aug 2023 Bowen Xi, Kevin Scaria, Divyagna Bavikadi, Paulo Shakarian

Classification of movement trajectories has many applications in transportation and is a key component for large-scale movement trajectory generation and anomaly detection which has key safety applications in the aftermath of a disaster or other external shock.

Anomaly Detection

Diversity Measures: Domain-Independent Proxies for Failure in Language Model Queries

1 code implementation22 Aug 2023 Noel Ngu, Nathaniel Lee, Paulo Shakarian

In this paper, we present measures for quantification of error in the response of a large language model based on the diversity of responses to a given prompt - hence independent of the underlying application.

Diversity Language Modeling +2

PyReason: Software for Open World Temporal Logic

1 code implementation27 Feb 2023 Dyuman Aditya, Kaustuv Mukherji, Srikar Balasubramanian, Abhiraj Chaudhary, Paulo Shakarian

The growing popularity of neuro symbolic reasoning has led to the adoption of various forms of differentiable (i. e., fuzzy) first order logic.

Knowledge Graphs

Extensions to Generalized Annotated Logic and an Equivalent Neural Architecture

no code implementations23 Feb 2023 Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari

While deep neural networks have led to major advances in image recognition, language translation, data mining, and game playing, there are well-known limits to the paradigm such as lack of explainability, difficulty of incorporating prior knowledge, and modularity.

An Independent Evaluation of ChatGPT on Mathematical Word Problems (MWP)

1 code implementation23 Feb 2023 Paulo Shakarian, Abhinav Koyyalamudi, Noel Ngu, Lakshmivihari Mareedu

We study the performance of a commercially available large language model (LLM) known as ChatGPT on math word problems (MWPs) from the dataset DRAW-1K.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Reasoning about Complex Networks: A Logic Programming Approach

no code implementations29 Sep 2022 Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Devon Callahan

Reasoning about complex networks has in recent years become an important topic of study due to its many applications: the adoption of commercial products, spread of disease, the diffusion of an idea, etc.


An End-to-End Framework to Identify Pathogenic Social Media Accounts on Twitter

no code implementations4 May 2019 Elham Shaabani, Ashkan Sadeghi-Mobarakeh, Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian

Pathogenic Social Media (PSM) accounts such as terrorist supporter accounts and fake news writers have the capability of spreading disinformation to viral proportions.

Causal Inference

DARKMENTION: A Deployed System to Predict Enterprise-Targeted External Cyberattacks

no code implementations30 Oct 2018 Mohammed Almukaynizi, Ericsson Marin, Eric Nunes, Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Dipsy Kapoor, Timothy Siedlecki

In particular, we show that it outperforms baseline systems that attempt to generate warnings of cyber attacks related to two enterprises with an average increase in F1 score of about 45% and 57%.

Early Identification of Pathogenic Social Media Accounts

no code implementations25 Sep 2018 Hamidreza Alvari, Elham Shaabani, Paulo Shakarian

Pathogenic Social Media (PSM) accounts such as terrorist supporters exploit large communities of supporters for conducting attacks on social media.

Causal Inference Community Detection

Causal Inference for Early Detection of Pathogenic Social Media Accounts

no code implementations26 Jun 2018 Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian

Pathogenic social media accounts such as terrorist supporters exploit communities of supporters for conducting attacks on social media.

Causal Inference Community Detection +1

Strongly Hierarchical Factorization Machines and ANOVA Kernel Regression

no code implementations25 Dec 2017 Ruocheng Guo, Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian

High-order parametric models that include terms for feature interactions are applied to various data mining tasks, where ground truth depends on interactions of features.

regression Sparse Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning for Detecting Human Trafficking

no code implementations30 May 2017 Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian, J. E. Kelly Snyder

Human trafficking is one of the most atrocious crimes and among the challenging problems facing law enforcement which demands attention of global magnitude.

A Non-Parametric Learning Approach to Identify Online Human Trafficking

no code implementations29 Jul 2016 Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian, J. E. Kelly Snyder

Human trafficking is among the most challenging law enforcement problems which demands persistent fight against from all over the globe.

Darknet and Deepnet Mining for Proactive Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence

no code implementations28 Jul 2016 Eric Nunes, Ahmad Diab, Andrew Gunn, Ericsson Marin, Vineet Mishra, Vivin Paliath, John Robertson, Jana Shakarian, Amanda Thart, Paulo Shakarian

We have developed an operational system for obtaining information from these sites for the purposes of identifying emerging cyber threats.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

MIST: Missing Person Intelligence Synthesis Toolkit

no code implementations28 Jul 2016 Elham Shaabani, Hamidreza Alvari, Paulo Shakarian, J. E. Kelly Snyder

Each day, approximately 500 missing persons cases occur that go unsolved/unresolved in the United States.

Product Offerings in Malicious Hacker Markets

no code implementations26 Jul 2016 Ericsson Marin, Ahmad Diab, Paulo Shakarian

Marketplaces specializing in malicious hacking products - including malware and exploits - have recently become more prominent on the darkweb and deepweb.


Argumentation Models for Cyber Attribution

no code implementations7 Jul 2016 Eric Nunes, Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Andrew Ruef

A major challenge in cyber-threat analysis is combining information from different sources to find the person or the group responsible for the cyber-attack.

Mining for Causal Relationships: A Data-Driven Study of the Islamic State

no code implementations5 Aug 2015 Andrew Stanton, Amanda Thart, Ashish Jain, Priyank Vyas, Arpan Chatterjee, Paulo Shakarian

The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is a dominant insurgent group operating in Iraq and Syria that rose to prominence when it took over Mosul in June, 2014.

An Argumentation-Based Framework to Address the Attribution Problem in Cyber-Warfare

no code implementations27 Apr 2014 Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Geoffrey Moores, Simon Parsons, Marcelo A. Falappa

Attributing a cyber-operation through the use of multiple pieces of technical evidence (i. e., malware reverse-engineering and source tracking) and conventional intelligence sources (i. e., human or signals intelligence) is a difficult problem not only due to the effort required to obtain evidence, but the ease with which an adversary can plant false evidence.


Belief Revision in Structured Probabilistic Argumentation

no code implementations7 Jan 2014 Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Marcelo A. Falappa

In real-world applications, knowledge bases consisting of all the information at hand for a specific domain, along with the current state of affairs, are bound to contain contradictory data coming from different sources, as well as data with varying degrees of uncertainty attached.

MANCaLog: A Logic for Multi-Attribute Network Cascades (Technical Report)

no code implementations2 Jan 2013 Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari, Robert Schroeder

The modeling of cascade processes in multi-agent systems in the form of complex networks has in recent years become an important topic of study due to its many applications: the adoption of commercial products, spread of disease, the diffusion of an idea, etc.


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