Search Results for author: Paxton Turner

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Phase transition for detecting a small community in a large network

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Jiashun Jin, Zheng Tracy Ke, Paxton Turner, Anru R. Zhang

Using a degree-corrected block model (DCBM), we establish phase transitions of this testing problem concerning the size of the small community and the edge densities in small and large communities.

Testing High-dimensional Multinomials with Applications to Text Analysis

no code implementations3 Jan 2023 T. Tony Cai, Zheng Tracy Ke, Paxton Turner

Motivated by applications in text mining and discrete distribution inference, we investigate the testing for equality of probability mass functions of $K$ groups of high-dimensional multinomial distributions.

Diversity Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Near-optimal fitting of ellipsoids to random points

no code implementations19 Aug 2022 Aaron Potechin, Paxton Turner, Prayaag Venkat, Alexander S. Wein

6031-6036, 2013] conjecture that the ellipsoid fitting problem transitions from feasible to infeasible as the number of points $n$ increases, with a sharp threshold at $n \sim d^2/4$.

Efficient Interpolation of Density Estimators

no code implementations10 Nov 2020 Paxton Turner, Jingbo Liu, Philippe Rigollet

We study the problem of space and time efficient evaluation of a nonparametric estimator that approximates an unknown density.

A Statistical Perspective on Coreset Density Estimation

no code implementations10 Nov 2020 Paxton Turner, Jingbo Liu, Philippe Rigollet

Coresets have emerged as a powerful tool to summarize data by selecting a small subset of the original observations while retaining most of its information.

Density Estimation

Efficient Reconstruction of Stochastic Pedigrees

no code implementations8 May 2020 Younhun Kim, Elchanan Mossel, Govind Ramnarayan, Paxton Turner

We introduce a new algorithm called {\sc Rec-Gen} for reconstructing the genealogy or \textit{pedigree} of an extant population purely from its genetic data.

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