Search Results for author: Pedro P. Santos

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

The Number of Trials Matters in Infinite-Horizon General-Utility Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations23 Sep 2024 Pedro P. Santos, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo

We show that, as opposed to standard MDPs, the number of trials plays a key-role in infinite-horizon GUMDPs and the expected performance of a given policy depends, in general, on the number of trials.

Centralized Training with Hybrid Execution in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation12 Oct 2022 Pedro P. Santos, Diogo S. Carvalho, Miguel Vasco, Alberto Sardinha, Pedro A. Santos, Ana Paiva, Francisco S. Melo

We introduce hybrid execution in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), a new paradigm in which agents aim to successfully complete cooperative tasks with arbitrary communication levels at execution time by taking advantage of information-sharing among the agents.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +2

The Impact of Data Distribution on Q-learning with Function Approximation

1 code implementation23 Nov 2021 Pedro P. Santos, Diogo S. Carvalho, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo

We provide a unified theoretical and empirical analysis as to how different properties of the data distribution influence the performance of Q-learning-based algorithms.

Diversity Q-Learning

A Methodology for the Development of RL-Based Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers

no code implementations24 Jan 2021 Guilherme S. Varela, Pedro P. Santos, Alberto Sardinha, Francisco S. Melo

Our methodology addresses the lack of standardization in the literature that renders the comparison of approaches in different works meaningless, due to differences in metrics, environments, and even experimental design and methodology.

Experimental Design reinforcement-learning +1

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