Search Results for author: Peng Du

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

Interactive Image Synthesis with Panoptic Layout Generation

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Bo wang, Tao Wu, Minfeng Zhu, Peng Du

In particular, the stuff layouts can take amorphous shapes and fill up the missing regions left out by the instance layouts.

Layout-to-Image Generation

Geometric Structure Preserving Warp for Natural Image Stitching

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Peng Du, Jifeng Ning, Jiguang Cui, Shaoli Huang, Xinchao Wang, Jiaxin Wang

Further, an optimized GES energy term is presented to reasonably determine the weights of the sampling points on the geometric structure, and the term is added into the Global Similarity Prior (GSP) stitching model called GES-GSP to achieve a smooth transition between local alignment and geometric structure preservation.

Edge Detection Image Stitching

iNAS: Integral NAS for Device-Aware Salient Object Detection

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Yu-Chao Gu, Shang-Hua Gao, Xu-Sheng Cao, Peng Du, Shao-Ping Lu, Ming-Ming Cheng

Existing salient object detection (SOD) models usually focus on either backbone feature extractors or saliency heads, ignoring their relations.

Neural Architecture Search Object +3

Deep learning to estimate the physical proportion of infected region of lung for COVID-19 pneumonia with CT image set

no code implementations9 Jun 2020 Wei Wu, Yu Shi, Xukun Li, Yukun Zhou, Peng Du, Shuangzhi Lv, Tingbo Liang, Jifang Sheng

For the segmented masks of intact lung and infected regions, the best method could achieve 0. 972 and 0. 757 measure in mean Dice similarity coefficient on our test benchmark.

Computed Tomography (CT)

Deep Learning System to Screen Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia

no code implementations21 Feb 2020 Xiaowei Xu, Xiangao Jiang, Chunlian Ma, Peng Du, Xukun Li, Shuangzhi Lv, Liang Yu, Yanfei Chen, Junwei Su, Guanjing Lang, Yongtao Li, Hong Zhao, Kaijin Xu, Lingxiang Ruan, Wei Wu

We found that the real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection of viral RNA from sputum or nasopharyngeal swab has a relatively low positive rate in the early stage to determine COVID-19 (named by the World Health Organization).

Computed Tomography (CT) COVID-19 Diagnosis +1

Discernible Image Compression

no code implementations17 Feb 2020 Zhaohui Yang, Yunhe Wang, Chang Xu, Peng Du, Chao Xu, Chunjing Xu, Qi Tian

Experiments on benchmarks demonstrate that images compressed by using the proposed method can also be well recognized by subsequent visual recognition and detection models.

Image Compression object-detection +1

A Deep Learning System That Generates Quantitative CT Reports for Diagnosing Pulmonary Tuberculosis

no code implementations5 Oct 2019 Wei Wu, Xukun Li, Peng Du, Guanjing Lang, Min Xu, Kaijin Xu, Lanjuan Li

The best model was selected to annotate the spatial location of lesions and classify them into miliary, infiltrative, caseous, tuberculoma and cavitary types simultaneously. Then the Noisy-Or Bayesian function was used to generate an overall infection probability. Finally, a quantitative diagnostic report was exported. The results showed that the recall and precision rates, from the perspective of a single lesion region of PTB, were 85. 9% and 89. 2% respectively.

Computed Tomography (CT) Decision Making +1

Shape-from-Mask: A Deep Learning Based Human Body Shape Reconstruction from Binary Mask Images

no code implementations22 Jun 2018 Zhongping Ji, Xiao Qi, Yigang Wang, Gang Xu, Peng Du, Qing Wu

In this paper, we propose a deep learning based reconstruction of 3D human body shape from 2D orthographic views.

Data Augmentation

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