Search Results for author: Peng Pan

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

What makes a good BIM design: quantitative linking between design behavior and quality

no code implementations14 Nov 2024 Xiang-Rui Ni, Peng Pan, Jia-Rui Lin

In the Architecture Engineering & Construction (AEC) industry, how design behaviors impact design quality remains unclear.

Feature Engineering

Establishing Rigorous and Cost-effective Clinical Trials for Artificial Intelligence Models

1 code implementation11 Jul 2024 Wanling Gao, Yunyou Huang, Dandan Cui, Zhuoming Yu, Wenjing Liu, Xiaoshuang Liang, Jiahui Zhao, Jiyue Xie, Hao Li, Li Ma, Ning Ye, Yumiao Kang, Dingfeng Luo, Peng Pan, Wei Huang, Zhongmou Liu, Jizhong Hu, Gangyuan Zhao, Chongrong Jiang, Fan Huang, Tianyi Wei, Suqin Tang, Bingjie Xia, Zhifei Zhang, Jianfeng Zhan

We envision DC-AI RCTs and VC-MedAI as pivotal advancements, presenting innovative and transformative evaluation methodologies for AI models in clinical practice, offering a preclinical-like setting mirroring conventional medicine, and reshaping development paradigms in a cost-effective and fast-iterative manner.

A Light Heterogeneous Graph Collaborative Filtering Model using Textual Information

1 code implementation4 Oct 2020 Chaoyang Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, GuoHui Li, Jianjun Li, Peng Pan, Ke Liu

Afterward, by performing a simplified RGCN-based node information propagation on the constructed heterogeneous graph, the embeddings of users and items can be adjusted with textual knowledge, which effectively alleviates the negative effects of data sparsity.

Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems +1

A Text-based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Interactive Recommendation

1 code implementation14 Apr 2020 Chaoyang Wang, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianjun Li, Peng Pan, Guo-Hui Li

IRSs usually face the large discrete action space problem, which makes most of the existing RL-based recommendation methods inefficient.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Systems +2

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