Search Results for author: Pengchao Han

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Convergence Analysis of Split Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 Pengchao Han, Chao Huang, Geng Tian, Ming Tang, Xin Liu

We further extend the analysis to non-convex objectives and where some clients may be unavailable during training.

Federated Learning

Federated Learning While Providing Model as a Service: Joint Training and Inference Optimization

no code implementations20 Dec 2023 Pengchao Han, Shiqiang Wang, Yang Jiao, Jianwei Huang

Toward the challenges, we propose an online problem approximation to reduce the problem complexity and optimize the resources to balance the needs of model training and inference.

Federated Learning Inference Optimization

FedAL: Black-Box Federated Knowledge Distillation Enabled by Adversarial Learning

no code implementations28 Nov 2023 Pengchao Han, Xingyan Shi, Jianwei Huang

In this paper, we propose Federated knowledge distillation enabled by Adversarial Learning (FedAL) to address the data heterogeneity among clients.

Knowledge Distillation Transfer Learning

Incentive Mechanism Design for Distributed Ensemble Learning

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Chao Huang, Pengchao Han, Jianwei Huang

To this end, we propose an alternating algorithm that iteratively updates each learner's training data size and reward.

Diversity Ensemble Learning

Lightweight Self-Knowledge Distillation with Multi-source Information Fusion

1 code implementation16 May 2023 Xucong Wang, Pengchao Han, Lei Guo

Specifically, we introduce a Distillation with Reverse Guidance (DRG) method that considers different levels of information extracted by the model, including edge, shape, and detail of the input data, to construct a more informative teacher.

Self-Knowledge Distillation

Optimization Design for Federated Learning in Heterogeneous 6G Networks

no code implementations15 Mar 2023 Bing Luo, Xiaomin Ouyang, Peng Sun, Pengchao Han, Ningning Ding, Jianwei Huang

With the rapid advancement of 5G networks, billions of smart Internet of Things (IoT) devices along with an enormous amount of data are generated at the network edge.

Federated Learning Management +2

Robustness and Diversity Seeking Data-Free Knowledge Distillation

1 code implementation7 Nov 2020 Pengchao Han, Jihong Park, Shiqiang Wang, Yejun Liu

Knowledge distillation (KD) has enabled remarkable progress in model compression and knowledge transfer.

Data-free Knowledge Distillation Diversity +2

Adaptive Gradient Sparsification for Efficient Federated Learning: An Online Learning Approach

no code implementations14 Jan 2020 Pengchao Han, Shiqiang Wang, Kin K. Leung

Then, with the goal of minimizing the overall training time, we propose a novel online learning formulation and algorithm for automatically determining the near-optimal communication and computation trade-off that is controlled by the degree of gradient sparsity.

Fairness Federated Learning

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