Search Results for author: Pengfei Zhang

Found 49 papers, 13 papers with code

Towards Controllable Speech Synthesis in the Era of Large Language Models: A Survey

1 code implementation9 Dec 2024 Tianxin Xie, Yan Rong, Pengfei Zhang, Li Liu

In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey of controllable TTS, covering approaches ranging from basic control techniques to methods utilizing natural language prompts, aiming to provide a clear understanding of the current state of research.

Speech Synthesis Survey +1

Behavior Backdoor for Deep Learning Models

no code implementations2 Dec 2024 Jiakai Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Renshuai Tao, Jian Yang, Hao liu, Xianglong Liu, Yunchao Wei, Yao Zhao

Specifically, to adapt the optimization goal of behavior backdoor, we introduce the behavior-driven backdoor object optimizing method by a bi-target behavior backdoor training loss, thus we could guide the poisoned model optimization direction.

Backdoor Attack Deep Learning +1

Start from Video-Music Retrieval: An Inter-Intra Modal Loss for Cross Modal Retrieval

no code implementations28 Jul 2024 Zeyu Chen, Pengfei Zhang, Kai Ye, Wei Dong, Xin Feng, Yana Zhang

In reality, a video can use different music as background music, and a music can be used as background music for different videos.

Contrastive Learning Cross-Modal Retrieval +1

ISWSST: Index-space-wave State Superposition Transformers for Multispectral Remotely Sensed Imagery Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Chang Li, Pengfei Zhang, Yu Wang

Currently the semantic segmentation task of multispectral remotely sensed imagery (MSRSI) faces the following problems: 1) Usually, only single domain feature (i. e., space domain or frequency domain) is considered; 2) downsampling operation in encoder generally leads to the accuracy loss of edge extraction; 3) multichannel features of MSRSI are not fully considered; and 4) prior knowledge of remote sensing is not fully utilized.

Ensemble Learning Segmentation +1

Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Ke Wang, Weikang Li, Shibo Xu, Mengyao Hu, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Chuanyu Zhang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Yu Gao, Ziqi Tan, Aosai Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, TingTing Li, Fanhao Shen, Jiarun Zhong, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Zixuan Song, Jinfeng Deng, Hang Dong, Xu Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Wenjie Jiang, Zhide Lu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Zhen Wang, Patrick Emonts, Jordi Tura, Chao Song, H. Wang, Dong-Ling Deng

As an illustrating example, we variationally prepare the low-energy state of a two-dimensional honeycomb model with 73 qubits and certify its Bell correlations by measuring an energy that surpasses the corresponding classical bound with up to 48 standard deviations.

UDHF2-Net: Uncertainty-diffusion-model-based High-Frequency TransFormer Network for Remotely Sensed Imagery Interpretation

no code implementations23 Jun 2024 Pengfei Zhang, Chang Li, Yongjun Zhang, Rongjun Qin

Besides the aforementioned spectrum noises in semantic segmentation, MUDM is also a self-supervised learning strategy to effectively reduce the edge false change detection from the generated imagery with geometric registration error.

Change Detection Self-Supervised Learning +1

Collaborative Edge AI Inference over Cloud-RAN

no code implementations9 Apr 2024 Pengfei Zhang, Dingzhu Wen, Guangxu Zhu, Qimei Chen, Kaifeng Han, Yuanming Shi

To realize efficient uplink feature aggregation, we allow each RRH receives local feature vectors from all devices over the same resource blocks simultaneously by leveraging an over-the-air computation (AirComp) technique.


RCoCo: Contrastive Collective Link Prediction across Multiplex Network in Riemannian Space

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Li Sun, Mengjie Li, Yong Yang, Xiao Li, Lin Liu, Pengfei Zhang, Haohua Du

Annotating anchor users is laborious and expensive, and thus it is impractical to work with quantities of anchor users.

Graph Attention Link Prediction

Fine-Grained Bipartite Concept Factorization for Clustering

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Chong Peng, Pengfei Zhang, Yongyong Chen, Zhao Kang, Chenglizhao Chen, Qiang Cheng

In this paper we propose a novel concept factorization method that seeks factor matrices using a cross-order positive semi-definite neighbor graph which provides comprehensive and complementary neighbor information of the data.

Clustering graph partitioning

Active Learning Framework for Cost-Effective TCR-Epitope Binding Affinity Prediction

1 code implementation16 Oct 2023 Pengfei Zhang, Seojin Bang, Heewook Lee

To reduce annotation cost, we present ActiveTCR, a framework that incorporates active learning and TCR-epitope binding affinity prediction models.

Active Learning

Zero-Shot Learning by Harnessing Adversarial Samples

1 code implementation1 Aug 2023 Zhi Chen, Pengfei Zhang, Jingjing Li, Sen Wang, Zi Huang

To take the advantage of image augmentations while mitigating the semantic distortion issue, we propose a novel ZSL approach by Harnessing Adversarial Samples (HAS).

Attribute Generalized Zero-Shot Learning +1

Reduce Computational Complexity for Convolutional Layers by Skipping Zeros

no code implementations28 Jun 2023 Zhiyi Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Zhuopin Xu, Qi Wang

Convolutional neural networks necessitate good algorithms to reduce complexity, and sufficient utilization of parallel processors for acceleration.

Dragon-Alpha&cu32: A Java-based Tensor Computing Framework With its High-Performance CUDA Library

1 code implementation15 May 2023 Zhiyi Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Qi Wang

Java is very powerful, but in Deep Learning field, its capabilities probably has not been sufficiently exploited.

Deep Learning

Background Invariance Testing According to Semantic Proximity

no code implementations19 Aug 2022 Zukang Liao, Pengfei Zhang, Min Chen

This ontology enables (i) efficient and meaningful search for background scenes of different semantic distances to a target image, (ii) quantitative control of the distribution and sparsity of the sampled background scenes, and (iii) quality assurance using visual representations of invariance testing results (referred to as variance matrices).

Object Recognition

MME-CRS: Multi-Metric Evaluation Based on Correlation Re-Scaling for Evaluating Open-Domain Dialogue

no code implementations19 Jun 2022 Pengfei Zhang, Xiaohui Hu, Kaidong Yu, Jian Wang, Song Han, Cao Liu, Chunyang Yuan

Firstly, we build an evaluation metric composed of 5 groups of parallel sub-metrics called Multi-Metric Evaluation (MME) to evaluate the quality of dialogue comprehensively.

Dialogue Evaluation MME

Adaptive Prompt Learning-based Few-Shot Sentiment Analysis

1 code implementation15 May 2022 Pengfei Zhang, Tingting Chai, Yongdong Xu

In the field of natural language processing, sentiment analysis via deep learning has a excellent performance by using large labeled datasets.

Sentiment Analysis

Experimental quantum adversarial learning with programmable superconducting qubits

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Wenhui Ren, Weikang Li, Shibo Xu, Ke Wang, Wenjie Jiang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Jiachen Chen, Zixuan Song, Pengfei Zhang, Hang Dong, Xu Zhang, Jinfeng Deng, Yu Gao, Chuanyu Zhang, Yaozu Wu, Bing Zhang, Qiujiang Guo, Hekang Li, Zhen Wang, Jacob Biamonte, Chao Song, Dong-Ling Deng, H. Wang

Our results reveal experimentally a crucial vulnerability aspect of quantum learning systems under adversarial scenarios and demonstrate an effective defense strategy against adversarial attacks, which provide a valuable guide for quantum artificial intelligence applications with both near-term and future quantum devices.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Quantum Machine Learning

CLMB: deep contrastive learning for robust metagenomic binning

1 code implementation18 Nov 2021 Pengfei Zhang, Zhengyuan Jiang, YiXuan Wang, Yu Li

Essentially, instead of denoising the data explicitly, we add simulated noise to the training data and force the deep learning model to produce similar and stable representations for both the noise-free data and the distorted data.

Benchmarking Contrastive Learning +1

Wireless Federated Learning over MIMO Networks: Joint Device Scheduling and Beamforming Design

no code implementations31 Oct 2021 Shaoming Huang, Pengfei Zhang, Yijie Mao, Lixiang Lian, Yuanming Shi

Specifically, we theoretically establish the convergence analysis of the FL process, and then apply the proposed device scheduling policy to maximize the number of weighted devices under the FL system latency and sum power constraints.

Federated Learning Scheduling

ML4ML: Automated Invariance Testing for Machine Learning Models

1 code implementation27 Sep 2021 Zukang Liao, Pengfei Zhang, Min Chen

In this paper, we show that testing the invariance qualities of ML models may result in complex visual patterns that cannot be classified using simple formulas.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Face.evoLVe: A High-Performance Face Recognition Library

1 code implementation19 Jul 2021 Qingzhong Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Haoyi Xiong, Jian Zhao

In this paper, we develop face. evoLVe -- a comprehensive library that collects and implements a wide range of popular deep learning-based methods for face recognition.

Face Alignment Face Recognition +1

Uncovering the molecular mechanism for dual effect of ATP on phase separation in FUS solution

no code implementations16 Feb 2021 Chun-Lai Ren, Pengfei Zhang, Yu-qiang Ma

Recent studies reported that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) could inhibit as well as enhance the phase separation in prion-like proteins.

Soft Condensed Matter Biological Physics

A Sequential Modelling Approach for Indoor Temperature Prediction and Heating Control in Smart Buildings

no code implementations21 Sep 2020 Yongchao Huang, Hugh Miles, Pengfei Zhang

The rising availability of large volume data, along with increasing computing power, has enabled a wide application of statistical Machine Learning (ML) algorithms in the domains of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Building Networks (SBN).

energy management Management +2

Tunneling through an Eternal Traversable Wormhole

no code implementations6 Sep 2020 Tian-Gang Zhou, Pengfei Zhang

Comparing to the high-temperature black hole phase where the bulk geometry is disconnected, we find both the tunneling probability and the differential conductance in the low-temperature wormhole phase show non-trivial oscillation, which directly provides an unambiguous signature of the underlying $SL(2)$ symmetry of the bulk geometry.

Strongly Correlated Electrons Disordered Systems and Neural Networks High Energy Physics - Theory

Searching for Quasi-Periodic Modulations in $γ$-ray Active Galactic Nuclei

no code implementations29 Jan 2020 Pengfei Zhang, Dahai Yan, Jianeng Zhou, Jiancheng Wang, Li Zhang

We perform a systematic search of quasi-periodic variabilities in $\gamma$-ray active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in the third \emph{Fermi} Large Area Telescope source catalog (3FGL).

High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Colorectal Polyp Segmentation by U-Net with Dilation Convolution

no code implementations26 Dec 2019 Xinzi Sun, Pengfei Zhang, Dechun Wang, Yu Cao, Benyuan Liu

The model we design consists of an encoder to extract multi-scale semantic features and a decoder to expand the feature maps to a polyp segmentation map.

Decoder Segmentation

Information Scrambling in Quantum Neural Networks

no code implementations26 Sep 2019 Huitao Shen, Pengfei Zhang, Yi-Zhuang You, Hui Zhai

In this Letter, we show that this process can also be viewed from the opposite direction: the quantum information in the output qubits is scrambled into the input.

AFP-Net: Realtime Anchor-Free Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy

no code implementations5 Sep 2019 Dechun Wang, Ning Zhang, Xinzi Sun, Pengfei Zhang, Chenxi Zhang, Yu Cao, Benyuan Liu

Though challenging, with the great advances in object detection techniques, automated polyp detection still demonstrates a great potential in reducing the false negative rate while maintaining a high precision.

object-detection Object Detection

EleAtt-RNN: Adding Attentiveness to Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations3 Sep 2019 Pengfei Zhang, Jianru Xue, Cuiling Lan, Wen-Jun Zeng, Zhanning Gao, Nanning Zheng

For an RNN block, an EleAttG is used for adaptively modulating the input by assigning different levels of importance, i. e., attention, to each element/dimension of the input.

Action Recognition Gesture Recognition +1

Multi-Stream Single Shot Spatial-Temporal Action Detection

no code implementations22 Aug 2019 Pengfei Zhang, Yu Cao, Benyuan Liu

We present a 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based single shot detector for spatial-temporal action detection tasks.

Action Detection Optical Flow Estimation

SR-LSTM: State Refinement for LSTM towards Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction

1 code implementation CVPR 2019 Pu Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Pengfei Zhang, Jianru Xue, Nanning Zheng

In order to address this issue, we propose a data-driven state refinement module for LSTM network (SR-LSTM), which activates the utilization of the current intention of neighbors, and jointly and iteratively refines the current states of all participants in the crowd through a message passing mechanism.

Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Trajectory Prediction

Unsupervised Learning-based Depth Estimation aided Visual SLAM Approach

no code implementations22 Jan 2019 Mingyang Geng, Suning Shang, Bo Ding, Huaimin Wang, Pengfei Zhang, Lei Zhang

Furthermore, we successfully exploit our unsupervised learning framework to assist the traditional ORB-SLAM system when the initialization module of ORB-SLAM method could not match enough features.

Depth And Camera Motion Image Reconstruction +2

Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Pengfei Zhang, Jianru Xue, Cuiling Lan, Wen-Jun Zeng, Zhanning Gao, Nanning Zheng

We propose adding a simple yet effective Element-wiseAttention Gate (EleAttG) to an RNN block (e. g., all RNN neurons in a network layer) that empowers the RNN neurons to have the attentiveness capability.

Action Recognition Skeleton Based Action Recognition +1

Deep Learning Topological Invariants of Band Insulators

no code implementations26 May 2018 Ning Sun, Jinmin Yi, Pengfei Zhang, Huitao Shen, Hui Zhai

Despite the complexity of the neural network, we find that the output of certain intermediate hidden layers resembles either the winding angle for models in AIII class or the solid angle (Berry curvature) for models in A class, indicating that neural networks essentially capture the mathematical formula of topological invariants.

Deep Learning

View Adaptive Neural Networks for High Performance Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition

2 code implementations20 Apr 2018 Pengfei Zhang, Cuiling Lan, Junliang Xing, Wen-Jun Zeng, Jianru Xue, Nanning Zheng

In order to alleviate the effects of view variations, this paper introduces a novel view adaptation scheme, which automatically determines the virtual observation viewpoints in a learning based data driven manner.

Action Recognition Skeleton Based Action Recognition +1

Visualizing Neural Network Developing Perturbation Theory

no code implementations12 Feb 2018 Yadong Wu, Pengfei Zhang, Huitao Shen, Hui Zhai

In this letter, motivated by the question that whether the empirical fitting of data by neural network can yield the same structure of physical laws, we apply the neural network to a simple quantum mechanical two-body scattering problem with short-range potentials, which by itself also plays an important role in many branches of physics.

Machine Learning Topological Invariants with Neural Networks

no code implementations30 Aug 2017 Pengfei Zhang, Huitao Shen, Hui Zhai

In this Letter we supervisedly train neural networks to distinguish different topological phases in the context of topological band insulators.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

View Adaptive Recurrent Neural Networks for High Performance Human Action Recognition from Skeleton Data

1 code implementation ICCV 2017 Pengfei Zhang, Cuiling Lan, Junliang Xing, Wen-Jun Zeng, Jianru Xue, Nanning Zheng

Rather than re-positioning the skeletons based on a human defined prior criterion, we design a view adaptive recurrent neural network (RNN) with LSTM architecture, which enables the network itself to adapt to the most suitable observation viewpoints from end to end.

Action Recognition Skeleton Based Action Recognition +1

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