Search Results for author: Pengming Feng

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

FastDrag: Manipulate Anything in One Step

no code implementations24 May 2024 Xuanjia Zhao, Jian Guan, Congyi Fan, Dongli Xu, Youtian Lin, Haiwei Pan, Pengming Feng

Drag-based image editing using generative models provides precise control over image contents, enabling users to manipulate anything in an image with a few clicks.

SISP: A Benchmark Dataset for Fine-grained Ship Instance Segmentation in Panchromatic Satellite Images

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Pengming Feng, Mingjie Xie, Hongning Liu, Xuanjia Zhao, Guangjun He, Xueliang Zhang, Jian Guan

To this end, we propose a benchmark dataset for fine-grained Ship Instance Segmentation in Panchromatic satellite images, namely SISP, which contains 56, 693 well-annotated ship instances with four fine-grained categories across 10, 000 sliced images, and all the images are collected from SuperView-1 satellite with the resolution of 0. 5m.

Diversity Instance Segmentation +2

EARL: An Elliptical Distribution aided Adaptive Rotation Label Assignment for Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

1 code implementation14 Jan 2023 Jian Guan, Mingjie Xie, Youtian Lin, Guangjun He, Pengming Feng

In addition, a dynamic elliptical distribution aided sampling (DED) strategy is proposed to make the sample distribution more flexible to fit the shapes and orientations of targets, and filter out low-quality samples.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Low-dimensional Denoising Embedding Transformer for ECG Classification

no code implementations31 Mar 2021 Jian Guan, Wenbo Wang, Pengming Feng, Xinxin Wang, Wenwu Wang

However, the high-dimensional embedding obtained via 1-D convolution and positional encoding can lead to the loss of the signal's own temporal information and a large amount of training parameters.

Classification Denoising +2

A Practical Solution for SAR Despeckling With Adversarial Learning Generated Speckled-to-Speckled Images

no code implementations13 Dec 2019 Ye Yuan, Jian Guan, Pengming Feng, Yanxia Wu

In this letter, we aim to address a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) despeckling problem with the necessity of neither clean (speckle-free) SAR images nor independent speckled image pairs from the same scene, and a practical solution for SAR despeckling (PSD) is proposed.

IENet: Interacting Embranchment One Stage Anchor Free Detector for Orientation Aerial Object Detection

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Youtian Lin, Pengming Feng, Jian Guan, Wenwu Wang, Jonathon Chambers

First, a novel geometric transformation is employed to better represent the oriented object in angle prediction, then a branch interactive module with a self-attention mechanism is developed to fuse features from classification and box regression branches.

Object object-detection +4

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