Search Results for author: Pengyu Li

Found 21 papers, 9 papers with code

EMDFNet: Efficient Multi-scale and Diverse Feature Network for Traffic Sign Detection

no code implementations26 Aug 2024 Pengyu Li, Chenhe Liu, Tengfei Li, Xinyu Wang, Shihui Zhang, Dongyang Yu

Motivated by these challenges, in this paper, we propose a novel object detection network named Efficient Multi-scale and Diverse Feature Network (EMDFNet) for traffic sign detection that integrates an Augmented Shortcut Module and an Efficient Hybrid Encoder to address the aforementioned issues simultaneously.

Autonomous Driving Novel Object Detection +3

PersonificationNet: Making customized subject act like a person

no code implementations12 Jul 2024 Tianchu Guo, Pengyu Li, Biao Wang, Xiansheng Hua

It contains a customized branch, a pose condition branch and a structure alignment module.


Sim2Real in Reconstructive Spectroscopy: Deep Learning with Augmented Device-Informed Data Simulation

1 code implementation19 Mar 2024 Jiyi Chen, Pengyu Li, Yutong Wang, Pei-Cheng Ku, Qing Qu

This work proposes a deep learning (DL)-based framework, namely Sim2Real, for spectral signal reconstruction in reconstructive spectroscopy, focusing on efficient data sampling and fast inference time.

Data Augmentation

Neural Collapse in Multi-label Learning with Pick-all-label Loss

1 code implementation24 Oct 2023 Pengyu Li, Xiao Li, Yutong Wang, Qing Qu

We study deep neural networks for the multi-label classification (MLab) task through the lens of neural collapse (NC).

Multi-class Classification Multi-Label Classification +3

Optimal Proposal Learning for Deployable End-to-End Pedestrian Detection

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Xiaolin Song, Binghui Chen, Pengyu Li, Jun-Yan He, Biao Wang, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie, Honggang Zhang

End-to-end pedestrian detection focuses on training a pedestrian detection model via discarding the Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) post-processing.

Pedestrian Detection

BioNet: A Biologically-Inspired Network for Face Recognition

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Pengyu Li

To show our idea experimentally, we model the biological characteristics of the human face-recognizing system with classical Convolutional Neural Network Operators (CNN Ops) purposely.

Attribute Face Recognition

LongShortNet: Exploring Temporal and Semantic Features Fusion in Streaming Perception

2 code implementations27 Oct 2022 Chenyang Li, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Jun-Yan He, Pengyu Li, Bin Luo, Hanyuan Chen, Yifeng Geng, Jin-Peng Lan, Xuansong Xie

Streaming perception is a critical task in autonomous driving that requires balancing the latency and accuracy of the autopilot system.

Autonomous Driving

Matrix Completion with Cross-Concentrated Sampling: Bridging Uniform Sampling and CUR Sampling

1 code implementation20 Aug 2022 HanQin Cai, Longxiu Huang, Pengyu Li, Deanna Needell

While uniform sampling has been widely studied in the matrix completion literature, CUR sampling approximates a low-rank matrix via row and column samples.

Matrix Completion

Dense Learning based Semi-Supervised Object Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Binghui Chen, Pengyu Li, Xiang Chen, Biao Wang, Lei Zhang, Xian-Sheng Hua

Semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) aims to facilitate the training and deployment of object detectors with the help of a large amount of unlabeled data.

Object object-detection +2

Guided Semi-Supervised Non-negative Matrix Factorization on Legal Documents

no code implementations31 Jan 2022 Pengyu Li, Christine Tseng, Yaxuan Zheng, Joyce A. Chew, Longxiu Huang, Benjamin Jarman, Deanna Needell

Classification and topic modeling are popular techniques in machine learning that extract information from large-scale datasets.


Variational Attention: Propagating Domain-Specific Knowledge for Multi-Domain Learning in Crowd Counting

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Binghui Chen, Zhaoyi Yan, Ke Li, Pengyu Li, Biao Wang, WangMeng Zuo, Lei Zhang

In crowd counting, due to the problem of laborious labelling, it is perceived intractability of collecting a new large-scale dataset which has plentiful images with large diversity in density, scene, etc.

Crowd Counting Diversity

Virtual Fully-Connected Layer: Training a Large-Scale Face Recognition Dataset With Limited Computational Resources

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Pengyu Li, Biao Wang, Lei Zhang

This is because the classification paradigm needs to train a fully connected layer as the category classifier, and its parameters will be in the hundreds of millions if the training dataset contains millions of identities.

Face Recognition Metric Learning

VirFace: Enhancing Face Recognition via Unlabeled Shallow Data

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Wenyu Li, Tianchu Guo, Pengyu Li, Binghui Chen, Biao Wang, WangMeng Zuo, Lei Zhang

In this paper, we propose a novel face recognition method, named VirFace, to effectively apply the unlabeled shallow data for face recognition.

Face Recognition

Analysis of Legal Documents via Non-negative Matrix Factorization Methods

no code implementations28 Apr 2021 Ryan Budahazy, Lu Cheng, Yihuan Huang, Andrew Johnson, Pengyu Li, Joshua Vendrow, Zhoutong Wu, Denali Molitor, Elizaveta Rebrova, Deanna Needell

The California Innocence Project (CIP), a clinical law school program aiming to free wrongfully convicted prisoners, evaluates thousands of mails containing new requests for assistance and corresponding case files.

COVID-19 Literature Topic-Based Search via Hierarchical NMF

no code implementations EMNLP (NLP-COVID19) 2020 Rachel Grotheer, Yihuan Huang, Pengyu Li, Elizaveta Rebrova, Deanna Needell, Longxiu Huang, Alona Kryshchenko, Xia Li, Kyung Ha, Oleksandr Kryshchenko

A dataset of COVID-19-related scientific literature is compiled, combining the articles from several online libraries and selecting those with open access and full text available.


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