Search Results for author: Peter Dolog

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Simple and Powerful Architecture for Inductive Recommendation Using Knowledge Graph Convolutions

no code implementations9 Sep 2022 Theis E. Jendal, Matteo Lissandrini, Peter Dolog, Katja Hose

In this work, we propose SimpleRec, a strong baseline that uses a graph neural network and a KG to provide better recommendations than related inductive methods for new users and items.

Dimensionality Reduction Graph Neural Network +1

MindReader: Recommendation over Knowledge Graph Entities with Explicit User Ratings

1 code implementation8 Jun 2021 Anders H. Brams, Anders L. Jakobsen, Theis E. Jendal, Matteo Lissandrini, Peter Dolog, Katja Hose

As a demonstration of the importance of this new dataset, we present a comparative study of the effect of the inclusion of ratings on non-item KG entities in a variety of state-of-the-art recommendation models.

Knowledge Graphs Recommendation Systems

A Real-World Data Resource of Complex Sensitive Sentences Based on Documents from the Monsanto Trial

no code implementations LREC 2020 Jan Neerbek, Morten Eskildsen, Peter Dolog, Ira Assent

In this work we present a corpus for the evaluation of sensitive information detection approaches that addresses the need for real world sensitive information for empirical studies.


Improving Explainable Recommendations with Synthetic Reviews

no code implementations18 Jul 2018 Sixun Ouyang, Aonghus Lawlor, Felipe Costa, Peter Dolog

We demonstrate that the synthetic personalised reviews have better recommendation performance than human written reviews.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Automatic Generation of Natural Language Explanations

no code implementations4 Jul 2017 Felipe Costa, Sixun Ouyang, Peter Dolog, Aonghus Lawlor

The model generates text reviews given a combination of the review and ratings score that express opinions about different factors or aspects of an item.

Negation Recommendation Systems

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