Search Results for author: Peter E. Freeman

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Conditional Density Estimation Tools in Python and R with Applications to Photometric Redshifts and Likelihood-Free Cosmological Inference

5 code implementations30 Aug 2019 Niccolò Dalmasso, Taylor Pospisil, Ann B. Lee, Rafael Izbicki, Peter E. Freeman, Alex I. Malz

We provide sample code in $\texttt{Python}$ and $\texttt{R}$ as well as examples of applications to photometric redshift estimation and likelihood-free cosmological inference via CDE.

Astronomy Density Estimation +2

Sherpa: a Mission-Independent Data Analysis Application

1 code implementation27 Aug 2001 Peter E. Freeman, Stephen Doe, Aneta Siemiginowska

The ever-increasing quality and complexity of astronomical data underscores the need for new and powerful data analysis applications.

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