Search Results for author: Peter N. Taylor

Found 21 papers, 4 papers with code

More variable circadian rhythms in epilepsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study using long-term heart rate recordings from wearable sensors

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Billy C. Smith, Christopher Thornton, Rachel E. Stirling, Guillermo M. Besne, Nathan Evans, Peter N. Taylor, Philippa J. Karoly, Yujiang Wang

Interpretation: This finding indicates that the circadian rhythm of heart rate is more variable for people with epilepsy and that this can be detected using a wearable device.

Status epilepticus and thinning of the entorhinal cortex

no code implementations11 Aug 2024 Jonathan Horsley, Yujiang Wang, Callum Simpson, Vyte Janiukstyte, Karoline Leiberg, Beth Little, Jane de Tisi, John Duncan, Peter N. Taylor

Individuals with TLE and SE had reduced entorhinal thickness compared to those with TLE and no history of SE.

Anti-seizure medication tapering is associated with delta band power reduction in a dose, region and time-dependent manner

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Guillermo M. Besne, Nathan Evans, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Billy Smith, Fahmida A Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, John S Duncan, Andrew W McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Jane de Tisi, Mathew Walker, Peter N. Taylor, Chris Thornton, Yujiang Wang

Anti-seizure medications (ASMs) are the primary treatment for epilepsy, yet medication tapering effects have not been investigated in a dose, region, and time-dependent manner, despite their potential impact on research and clinical practice.


Multiscale cortical morphometry reveals pronounced regional and scale-dependent variations across the lifespan

no code implementations22 Nov 2023 Karoline Leiberg, Timo Blattner, Bethany Little, Victor B. B. Mello, Fernanda H. P. de Moraes, Christian Rummel, Peter N. Taylor, Bruno Mota, Yujiang Wang

Most studies to date have found a monotonic decrease in commonly used morphometrics, such as cortical thickness and volume, across the entire brain with increasing age.

Interictal MEG abnormalities to guide intracranial electrode implantation and predict surgical outcome

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Thomas W. Owen, Vytene Janiukstyte, Gerard R. Hall, Fahmida A. Chowdhury, Beate Diehl, Andrew McEvoy, Anna Miserocchi, Jane de Tisi, John S. Duncan, Fergus Rugg-Gunn, Yujiang Wang, Peter N. Taylor

Finally, we assessed if the implantation of electrodes in abnormal tissue, and resection of the strongest abnormalities determined by MEG and iEEG explained surgical outcome.


Intracranial EEG structure-function coupling predicts surgical outcomes in focal epilepsy

no code implementations17 Apr 2022 Nishant Sinha, John S. Duncan, Beate Diehl, Fahmida A. Chowdhury, Jane de Tisi, Anna Miserocchi, Andrew W. McEvoy, Kathryn A. Davis, Sjoerd B. Vos, Gavin P. Winston, Yujiang Wang, Peter N. Taylor

We investigated pre-operative structure-function coupling at two spatial scales a) at the global iEEG network level and b) at the resolution of individual iEEG electrode contacts using virtual surgeries.


Volumetric and structural connectivity abnormalities co-localise in TLE

no code implementations5 Feb 2022 Jonathan J. Horsley, Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Rhys H. Thomas, Jane de Tisi, Sjoerd B. Vos, Gavin P. Winston, John S. Duncan, Yujiang Wang, Peter N. Taylor

We computed grey matter volumetric changes and white matter structural connectivity abnormalities in 144 patients with unilateral TLE and 96 healthy controls.

Chronic iEEG recordings and interictal spike rate reveal multiscale temporal modulations in seizure states

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Philippa J. Karoly, Matias Maturana, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Peter N. Taylor, Mark J. Cook, Yujiang Wang

We then compared SNS occurrence and duration to (1) time since implantation and (2) patient-specific circadian and multidien cycles in interictal spike rate.


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