no code implementations • 25 Nov 2020 • Ellery Wulczyn, Kunal Nagpal, Matthew Symonds, Melissa Moran, Markus Plass, Robert Reihs, Farah Nader, Fraser Tan, Yuannan Cai, Trissia Brown, Isabelle Flament-Auvigne, Mahul B. Amin, Martin C. Stumpe, Heimo Muller, Peter Regitnig, Andreas Holzinger, Greg S. Corrado, Lily H. Peng, Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen, David F. Steiner, Kurt Zatloukal, Yun Liu, Craig H. Mermel
's C-indices were 0. 87 and 0. 85 for continuous and discrete grading, respectively, compared to 0. 79 (95%CI 0. 71-0. 86) for GG obtained from the reports.
no code implementations • 17 Nov 2020 • Ellery Wulczyn, David F. Steiner, Melissa Moran, Markus Plass, Robert Reihs, Fraser Tan, Isabelle Flament-Auvigne, Trissia Brown, Peter Regitnig, Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen, Narayan Hegde, Apaar Sadhwani, Robert MacDonald, Benny Ayalew, Greg S. Corrado, Lily H. Peng, Daniel Tse, Heimo Müller, Zhaoyang Xu, Yun Liu, Martin C. Stumpe, Kurt Zatloukal, Craig H. Mermel
Our approach can be used to explain predictions from a prognostic deep learning model and uncover potentially-novel prognostic features that can be reliably identified by people for future validation studies.