no code implementations • 19 Oct 2020 • Seyed Majid Azimi, Maximilian Kraus, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz
We also describe our proposed Deep Learning based Multi-Object Tracking method AerialMPTNet that fuses appearance, temporal, and graphical information using a Siamese Neural Network, a Long Short-Term Memory, and a Graph Convolutional Neural Network module for a more accurate and stable tracking.
no code implementations • 27 Jun 2020 • Maximilian Kraus, Seyed Majid Azimi, Emec Ercelik, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz, Alois Knoll
Due to the challenges such as the large number and the tiny size of the pedestrians (e. g., 4 x 4 pixels) with their similar appearances as well as different scales and atmospheric conditions of the images with their extremely low frame rates (e. g., 2 fps), current state-of-the-art algorithms including the deep learning-based ones are unable to perform well.
1 code implementation • 27 Sep 2019 • Reza Bahmanyar, Elenora Vig, Peter Reinartz
As a remedy, in this work we introduce a novel crowd dataset, the DLR Aerial Crowd Dataset (DLR-ACD), which is composed of 33 large aerial images acquired from 16 flight campaigns over mass events with 226, 291 persons annotated.
Ranked #1 on Crowd Counting on DLR-ACD
no code implementations • 22 Apr 2019 • Ksenia Bittner, Marco Körner, Peter Reinartz
We present the workflow of a DSM refinement methodology using a Hybrid-cGAN where the generative part consists of two encoders and a common decoder which blends the spectral and height information within one network.
1 code implementation • 8 Mar 2019 • Ksenia Bittner, Marco Körner, Peter Reinartz
We describe the workflow of a digital surface models (DSMs) refinement algorithm using a hybrid conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) where the generative part consists of two parallel networks merged at the last stage forming a WNet architecture.
no code implementations • 7 Jul 2018 • Seyed Majid Azimi, Eleonora Vig, Reza Bahmanyar, Marco Körner, Peter Reinartz
During training, we minimize joint horizontal and oriented bounding box loss functions, as well as a novel loss that enforces oriented boxes to be rectangular.
Ranked #51 on Object Detection In Aerial Images on DOTA (using extra training data)
no code implementations • 19 Mar 2018 • Seyed Majid Azimi, Peter Fischer, Marco Körner, Peter Reinartz
Therefore, accurate and reliable lane marking semantic segmentation in the imagery of roads and highways is needed to achieve such goals.
1 code implementation • 6 Nov 2017 • Dimitrios Marmanis, Wei Yao, Fathalrahman Adam, Mihai Datcu, Peter Reinartz, Konrad Schindler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Uwe Stilla
Very High Spatial Resolution (VHSR) large-scale SAR image databases are still an unresolved issue in the Remote Sensing field.
no code implementations • 14 Feb 2014 • Daniele Cerra, Mihai Datcu, Peter Reinartz
This paper proposes to perform authorship analysis using the Fast Compression Distance (FCD), a similarity measure based on compression with dictionaries directly extracted from the written texts.