Search Results for author: Peter Tiňo

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Universality of Real Minimal Complexity Reservoir

no code implementations15 Aug 2024 Robert Simon Fong, Boyu Li, Peter Tiňo

For linear reservoirs, given the reservoir size, the reservoir construction has only one degree of freedom -- the reservoir cycle weight.

Unsupervised multimodal modeling of cognitive and brain health trajectories for early dementia prediction

1 code implementation Scientific Reports 2024 Michael C. Burkhart, Liz Y. Lee, Delshad Vaghari, An Qi Toh, Eddie Chong, Christopher Chen, Peter Tiňo, Zoe Kourtzi

In contrast to supervised classification approaches that require labeled data, we propose an unsupervised multimodal trajectory modeling (MTM) approach based on a mixture of state space models that captures changes in longitudinal data (i. e., trajectories) and stratifies individuals without using clinical diagnosis for model training.

State Space Models Trajectory Modeling

Simple Cycle Reservoirs are Universal

no code implementations21 Aug 2023 Boyu Li, Robert Simon Fong, Peter Tiňo

Reservoir computation models form a subclass of recurrent neural networks with fixed non-trainable input and dynamic coupling weights.

A Survey on Neural Network Interpretability

no code implementations28 Dec 2020 Yu Zhang, Peter Tiňo, Aleš Leonardis, Ke Tang

Along with the great success of deep neural networks, there is also growing concern about their black-box nature.

Drug Discovery Survey

Model-Coupled Autoencoder for Time Series Visualisation

no code implementations21 Jan 2016 Nikolaos Gianniotis, Sven D. Kügler, Peter Tiňo, Kai L. Polsterer

We present an approach for the visualisation of a set of time series that combines an echo state network with an autoencoder.

Dimensionality Reduction Time Series +1

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