Search Results for author: Peter Uhrig

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Analyzing Narrative Processing in Large Language Models (LLMs): Using GPT4 to test BERT

no code implementations3 May 2024 Patrick Krauss, Jannik Hösch, Claus Metzner, Andreas Maier, Peter Uhrig, Achim Schilling

We found that the activation vectors of the hidden units cluster according to stylistic variations in earlier layers of BERT (1) than narrative content (4-5).

Leveraging Speech for Gesture Detection in Multimodal Communication

1 code implementation23 Apr 2024 Esam Ghaleb, Ilya Burenko, Marlou Rasenberg, Wim Pouw, Ivan Toni, Peter Uhrig, Anna Wilson, Judith Holler, Aslı Özyürek, Raquel Fernández

Our findings indicate that expanding the speech buffer beyond visual time segments improves performance and that multimodal integration using cross-modal and early fusion techniques outperforms baseline methods using unimodal and late fusion methods.

Co-Speech Gesture Detection through Multi-Phase Sequence Labeling

1 code implementation21 Aug 2023 Esam Ghaleb, Ilya Burenko, Marlou Rasenberg, Wim Pouw, Peter Uhrig, Judith Holler, Ivan Toni, Aslı Özyürek, Raquel Fernández

Yet, the prevalent approach to automatic gesture detection treats the problem as binary classification, classifying a segment as either containing a gesture or not, thus failing to capture its inherently sequential and contextual nature.

Binary Classification

Making sense of spoken plurals

no code implementations5 Jul 2022 Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan, Peter Uhrig, R. Harald Baayen

Our goal is to compare two models for the conceptualization of plurality.

Semantic properties of English nominal pluralization: Insights from word embeddings

no code implementations29 Mar 2022 Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan, Masoumeh Moradipour-Tari, Peter Uhrig, R. Harald Baayen

In comparison with our approach, a method from compositional distributional semantics, called FRACSS, predicted plural vectors that were more similar to the corpus-extracted plural vectors in terms of direction but not vector length.

Word Embeddings

Efficient Dependency Graph Matching with the IMS Open Corpus Workbench

no code implementations LREC 2012 Thomas Proisl, Peter Uhrig

State-of-the-art dependency representations such as the Stanford Typed Dependencies may represent the grammatical relations in a sentence as directed, possibly cyclic graphs.

Dependency Parsing Graph Matching +2

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