Search Results for author: Peter W. Chung

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

Assessing the trade-off between prediction accuracy and interpretability for topic modeling on energetic materials corpora

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Monica Puerto, Mason Kellett, Rodanthi Nikopoulou, Mark D. Fuge, Ruth Doherty, Peter W. Chung, Zois Boukouvalas

With our accuracy results, we also introduce local interpretability model-agnostic explanations (LIME) of each prediction to provide a localized understanding of each prediction and to validate classifier decisions with our team of energetics experts.

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Phonon Lifetimes and Thermal Conductivity of the Molecular Crystal $α$-RDX

1 code implementation26 Apr 2019 Gaurav Kumar, Francis G. VanGessel, Daniel C. Elton, Peter W. Chung

This is likely because diffusive carriers contribute to over 95% of the thermal conductivity in ${\alpha}$-RDX.

Materials Science

Deep learning for molecular design - a review of the state of the art

no code implementations11 Mar 2019 Daniel C. Elton, Zois Boukouvalas, Mark D. Fuge, Peter W. Chung

In the space of only a few years, deep generative modeling has revolutionized how we think of artificial creativity, yielding autonomous systems which produce original images, music, and text.

Benchmarking reinforcement-learning +2

Using natural language processing techniques to extract information on the properties and functionalities of energetic materials from large text corpora

1 code implementation1 Mar 2019 Daniel C. Elton, Dhruv Turakhia, Nischal Reddy, Zois Boukouvalas, Mark D. Fuge, Ruth M. Doherty, Peter W. Chung

The number of scientific journal articles and reports being published about energetic materials every year is growing exponentially, and therefore extracting relevant information and actionable insights from the latest research is becoming a considerable challenge.

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Independent Vector Analysis for Data Fusion Prior to Molecular Property Prediction with Machine Learning

1 code implementation1 Nov 2018 Zois Boukouvalas, Daniel C. Elton, Peter W. Chung, Mark D. Fuge

Due to its high computational speed and accuracy compared to ab-initio quantum chemistry and forcefield modeling, the prediction of molecular properties using machine learning has received great attention in the fields of materials design and drug discovery.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Drug Discovery +3

A Phonon Boltzmann Study of Microscale Thermal Transport in $α$-RDX Cook-Off

1 code implementation24 Aug 2018 Francis G. VanGessel, Gaurav Kumar, Daniel C. Elton, Peter W. Chung

The microscale thermal transport properties of $\alpha$RDX are believed to be major factors in the initiation process.

Materials Science

Machine Learning of Energetic Material Properties

2 code implementations17 Jul 2018 Brian C. Barnes, Daniel C. Elton, Zois Boukouvalas, DeCarlos E. Taylor, William D. Mattson, Mark D. Fuge, Peter W. Chung

In this work, we discuss use of machine learning techniques for rapid prediction of detonation properties including explosive energy, detonation velocity, and detonation pressure.

Materials Science Chemical Physics Computational Physics

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