Search Results for author: Philip Mansfield

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Disentangling the Effects of Data Augmentation and Format Transform in Self-Supervised Learning of Image Representations

no code implementations2 Dec 2023 Neha Kalibhat, Warren Morningstar, Alex Bijamov, Luyang Liu, Karan Singhal, Philip Mansfield

We define augmentations in frequency space called Fourier Domain Augmentations (FDA) and show that training SSL models on a combination of these and image augmentations can improve the downstream classification accuracy by up to 1. 3% on ImageNet-1K.

Data Augmentation Self-Supervised Learning +1

Contrastive Learning for Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations13 Dec 2020 Xiangyun Zhao, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Philip Mansfield, Boqing Gong, Bradley Green, Lior Shapira, Ying Wu

While recent Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based semantic segmentation approaches have achieved impressive results by using large amounts of labeled training data, their performance drops significantly as the amount of labeled data decreases.

Contrastive Learning Segmentation +1

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