Search Results for author: Philipp Müller

Found 19 papers, 4 papers with code

Recognizing Emotion Regulation Strategies from Human Behavior with Large Language Models

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Philipp Müller, Alexander Heimerl, Sayed Muddashir Hossain, Lea Siegel, Jan Alexandersson, Patrick Gebhard, Elisabeth André, Tanja Schneeberger

We fine-tune Llama2-7B as well as the recently introduced Gemma model using Low-rank Optimization on prompts generated from different sources of information on the \textsc{Deep} corpus.

Emotion Recognition Sentiment Analysis

M3TCM: Multi-modal Multi-task Context Model for Utterance Classification in Motivational Interviews

no code implementations4 Apr 2024 Sayed Muddashir Hossain, Jan Alexandersson, Philipp Müller

Accurate utterance classification in motivational interviews is crucial to automatically understand the quality and dynamics of client-therapist interaction, and it can serve as a key input for systems mediating such interactions.

Classification Multi-Task Learning

NeMig -- A Bilingual News Collection and Knowledge Graph about Migration

1 code implementation1 Sep 2023 Andreea Iana, Mehwish Alam, Alexander Grote, Nevena Nikolajevic, Katharina Ludwig, Philipp Müller, Christof Weinhardt, Heiko Paulheim

News recommendation plays a critical role in shaping the public's worldviews through the way in which it filters and disseminates information about different topics.

Benchmarking Knowledge Graphs +1

Flexible K Nearest Neighbors Classifier: Derivation and Application for Ion-mobility Spectrometry-based Indoor Localization

no code implementations20 Apr 2023 Philipp Müller

It determines the class membership of unlabelled sample based on the class memberships of the K labelled samples, the so-called nearest neighbors, that are closest to the unlabelled sample.

Indoor Localization

Multimodal Vision Transformers with Forced Attention for Behavior Analysis

no code implementations7 Dec 2022 Tanay Agrawal, Michal Balazia, Philipp Müller, François Brémond

Human behavior understanding requires looking at minute details in the large context of a scene containing multiple input modalities.

Bodily Behaviors in Social Interaction: Novel Annotations and State-of-the-Art Evaluation

no code implementations26 Jul 2022 Michal Balazia, Philipp Müller, Ákos Levente Tánczos, August von Liechtenstein, François Brémond

Body language is an eye-catching social signal and its automatic analysis can significantly advance artificial intelligence systems to understand and actively participate in social interactions.

Action Detection Descriptive +1

Gaze-enhanced Crossmodal Embeddings for Emotion Recognition

no code implementations30 Apr 2022 Ahmed Abdou, Ekta Sood, Philipp Müller, Andreas Bulling

Emotional expressions are inherently multimodal -- integrating facial behavior, speech, and gaze -- but their automatic recognition is often limited to a single modality, e. g. speech during a phone call.

Emotion Classification Emotion Recognition

Towards Analyzing the Bias of News Recommender Systems Using Sentiment and Stance Detection

no code implementations11 Mar 2022 Mehwish Alam, Andreea Iana, Alexander Grote, Katharina Ludwig, Philipp Müller, Heiko Paulheim

News recommender systems are used by online news providers to alleviate information overload and to provide personalized content to users.

Diversity Recommendation Systems +2

Multimodal Integration of Human-Like Attention in Visual Question Answering

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Ekta Sood, Fabian Kögel, Philipp Müller, Dominike Thomas, Mihai Bace, Andreas Bulling

We present the Multimodal Human-like Attention Network (MULAN) - the first method for multimodal integration of human-like attention on image and text during training of VQA models.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

Neural Model-based Optimization with Right-Censored Observations

no code implementations29 Sep 2020 Katharina Eggensperger, Kai Haase, Philipp Müller, Marius Lindauer, Frank Hutter

When fitting a regression model to predict the distribution of the outcomes, we cannot simply drop these right-censored observations, but need to properly model them.

regression Thompson Sampling

BOAH: A Tool Suite for Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization & Analysis of Hyperparameters

1 code implementation16 Aug 2019 Marius Lindauer, Katharina Eggensperger, Matthias Feurer, André Biedenkapp, Joshua Marben, Philipp Müller, Frank Hutter

Hyperparameter optimization and neural architecture search can become prohibitively expensive for regular black-box Bayesian optimization because the training and evaluation of a single model can easily take several hours.

Bayesian Optimization Hyperparameter Optimization +1

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