Search Results for author: Philippa J. Karoly

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

More variable circadian rhythms in epilepsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study using long-term heart rate recordings from wearable sensors

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Billy C. Smith, Christopher Thornton, Rachel E. Stirling, Guillermo M. Besne, Peter N. Taylor, Philippa J. Karoly, Yujiang Wang

Interpretation: This finding indicates that the circadian rhythm of heart rate is more variable for people with epilepsy and that this can be detected using a wearable device.

Chronic iEEG recordings and interictal spike rate reveal multiscale temporal modulations in seizure states

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Philippa J. Karoly, Matias Maturana, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Peter N. Taylor, Mark J. Cook, Yujiang Wang

We then compared SNS occurrence and duration to (1) time since implantation and (2) patient-specific circadian and multidien cycles in interictal spike rate.


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