Search Results for author: Phuong Le

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Generalized knowledge-enhanced framework for biomedical entity and relation extraction

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Minh Nguyen, Phuong Le

To handle these challenges, we develop a novel framework that utilizes external knowledge to construct a task-independent and reusable background knowledge graph for biomedical entity and relation extraction.

Relation Relation Extraction

Unveiling Comparative Sentiments in Vietnamese Product Reviews: A Sequential Classification Framework

1 code implementation2 Jan 2024 Ha Le, Bao Tran, Phuong Le, Tan Nguyen, Dac Nguyen, Ngoan Pham, Dang Huynh

Comparative opinion mining is a specialized field of sentiment analysis that aims to identify and extract sentiments expressed comparatively.

Opinion Mining Sentence +1

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