no code implementations • 14 Apr 2023 • Rémi Boutin, Pierre Latouche, Charles Bouveyron
To understand those heterogeneous and complex data structures, clustering nodes into homogeneous groups as well as rendering a comprehensible visualisation of the data is mandatory.
no code implementations • 27 Jan 2021 • Sarah Ouadah, Pierre Latouche, Stéphane Robin
Based on these results, we define a goodness-of-fit test for the B-EDD model and propose a family of tests for network comparisons.
Statistics Theory Statistics Theory
no code implementations • 1 Jan 2021 • Dingge LIANG, Marco Corneli, Pierre Latouche, Charles Bouveyron
The underlying motivation is that, when a user scores only a few products, the texts used in the reviews represent a significant source of information.
no code implementations • 8 Dec 2020 • Nicolas Jouvin, Charles Bouveyron, Pierre Latouche
High-dimensional data clustering has become and remains a challenging task for modern statistics and machine learning, with a wide range of applications.
Image Denoising Methodology
1 code implementation • 16 Nov 2020 • Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj, Servane Gey
A variational EM algorithm is derived for dealing with the optimisation of the hyper-parameters along with the hyper-posteriors' estimation of latent variables and processes.
1 code implementation • 21 Jul 2020 • Arthur Leroy, Pierre Latouche, Benjamin Guedj, Servane Gey
A novel multi-task Gaussian process (GP) framework is proposed, by using a common mean process for sharing information across tasks.
no code implementations • 10 Jul 2017 • Marco Corneli, Pierre Latouche, Fabrice Rossi
We develop a model in which interactions between nodes of a dynamic network are counted by non homogeneous Poisson processes.
no code implementations • 8 Mar 2017 • Charles Bouveyron, Pierre Latouche, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
We present a Bayesian model selection approach to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality of a high-dimensional dataset.
no code implementations • 19 May 2016 • Charles Bouveyron, Pierre Latouche, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
To this end, using Roweis' probabilistic interpretation of PCA and a Gaussian prior on the loading matrix, we provide the first exact computation of the marginal likelihood of a Bayesian PCA model.
no code implementations • 9 May 2016 • Marco Corneli, Pierre Latouche, Fabrice Rossi
The stochastic block model (SBM) is a flexible probabilistic tool that can be used to model interactions between clusters of nodes in a network.
no code implementations • 8 Sep 2015 • Marco Corneli, Pierre Latouche, Fabrice Rossi
To overcome this limitation, we propose a partition of the whole time horizon, in which interactions are observed, and develop a non stationary extension of the SBM, allowing to simultaneously cluster the nodes in a network along with fixed time intervals in which the interactions take place.
no code implementations • 23 Jun 2015 • Pierre Latouche, Fabrice Rossi
In this paper, we give an introduction to some methods relying on graphs for learning.
no code implementations • 12 Jun 2015 • Marco Corneli, Pierre Latouche, Fabrice Rossi
The latent block model (LBM) is a flexible probabilistic tool to describe interactions between node sets in bipartite networks, but it does not account for interactions of time varying intensity between nodes in unknown classes.