1 code implementation • 4 May 2020 • Ping Cai, Xingyuan Chen, Peng Jin, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li
The purpose of unconditional text generation is to train a model with real sentences, then generate novel sentences of the same quality and diversity as the training data.
1 code implementation • 5 Apr 2020 • Xingyuan Chen, Ping Cai, Peng Jin, Hongjun Wang, Xin-yu Dai, Jia-Jun Chen
To alleviate the exposure bias, generative adversarial networks (GAN) use the discriminator to update the generator's parameters directly, but they fail by being evaluated precisely.
no code implementations • 28 Sep 2019 • Xingyuan Chen, Ping Cai, Peng Jin, Haokun Du, Hongjun Wang, Xingyu Dai, Jia-Jun Chen
In this paper, we theoretically propose two metric functions to measure the distributional difference between real text and generated text.