Search Results for author: Pingping Cai

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Leveraging Adaptive Implicit Representation Mapping for Ultra High-Resolution Image Segmentation

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Ziyu Zhao, Xiaoguang Li, Pingping Cai, Canyu Zhang, Song Wang

To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach that leverages the newly proposed Adaptive Implicit Representation Mapping (AIRM) for ultra-high-resolution Image Segmentation.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +1

Learning Restoration is Not Enough: Transfering Identical Mapping for Single-Image Shadow Removal

no code implementations18 May 2023 Xiaoguang Li, Qing Guo, Pingping Cai, Wei Feng, Ivor Tsang, Song Wang

State-of-the-art shadow removal methods train deep neural networks on collected shadow & shadow-free image pairs, which are desired to complete two distinct tasks via shared weights, i. e., data restoration for shadow regions and identical mapping for non-shadow regions.

Image Shadow Removal Shadow Removal

Orthogonal Dictionary Guided Shape Completion Network for Point Cloud

1 code implementation AAAI 2023 Pingping Cai, Deja Scott, Xiaoguang Li, Song Wang

Point cloud shape completion, which aims to reconstruct the missing regions of the incomplete point clouds with plausible shapes, is an ill-posed and challenging task that benefits many downstream 3D applications.

Decoder Point Cloud Completion

Parametric Surface Constrained Upsampler Network for Point Cloud

1 code implementation14 Mar 2023 Pingping Cai, Zhenyao Wu, Xinyi Wu, Song Wang

Designing a point cloud upsampler, which aims to generate a clean and dense point cloud given a sparse point representation, is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision.

Point Cloud Completion point cloud upsampling

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