Search Results for author: Prakhar Kaushik

Found 8 papers, 3 papers with code

Gaussian Scenes: Pose-Free Sparse-View Scene Reconstruction using Depth-Enhanced Diffusion Priors

no code implementations24 Nov 2024 Soumava Paul, Prakhar Kaushik, Alan Yuille

We also propose a novel confidence measure for Gaussian representations to allow for better detection of these artifacts.

Depth Estimation Instruction Following

iNeMo: Incremental Neural Mesh Models for Robust Class-Incremental Learning

1 code implementation12 Jul 2024 Tom Fischer, Yaoyao Liu, Artur Jesslen, Noor Ahmed, Prakhar Kaushik, Angtian Wang, Alan Yuille, Adam Kortylewski, Eddy Ilg

We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive experiments on the Pascal3D and ObjectNet3D datasets and show that our approach outperforms the baselines for classification by $2-6\%$ in the in-domain and by $6-50\%$ in the OOD setting.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +2

A Bayesian Approach to OOD Robustness in Image Classification

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Prakhar Kaushik, Adam Kortylewski, Alan Yuille

This enables us to learn a transitional dictionary of vMF kernels that are intermediate between the source and target domains and train the generative model on this dictionary using the annotations on the source domain, followed by iterative refinement.

 Ranked #1 on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on OOD-CV (Accuracy (Top-1) metric)

Image Classification Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Source-Free and Image-Only Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Category Level Object Pose Estimation

no code implementations19 Jan 2024 Prakhar Kaushik, Aayush Mishra, Adam Kortylewski, Alan Yuille

We focus on individual locally robust mesh vertex features and iteratively update them based on their proximity to corresponding features in the target domain even when the global pose is not correct.

Pose Estimation Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Learning Part Segmentation from Synthetic Animals

no code implementations30 Nov 2023 Jiawei Peng, Ju He, Prakhar Kaushik, Zihao Xiao, Jiteng Mu, Alan Yuille

We then benchmark Syn-to-Real animal part segmentation from SAP to PartImageNet, namely SynRealPart, with existing semantic segmentation domain adaptation methods and further improve them as our second contribution.

Domain Adaptation Pseudo Label +2

Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting and Remembering in Continual Learning with Optimal Relevance Mapping

1 code implementation22 Feb 2021 Prakhar Kaushik, Alex Gain, Adam Kortylewski, Alan Yuille

Additionally, current approaches that deal with forgetting ignore the problem of catastrophic remembering, i. e. the worsening ability to discriminate between data from different tasks.

Continual Learning

Adaptive Neural Connections for Sparsity Learning

no code implementations The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2020 2020 Prakhar Kaushik, Alex Gain, Hava Siegelmann

We propose Adaptive Neural Connections (ANC), a method for explicitly parameterizing fine-grained neuron-to-neuron connections via adjacency matrices at each layer that are learned through backpropagation.

Model Compression Network Pruning +1

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