Search Results for author: Pranab Samanta

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

AutoPET III Challenge: Tumor Lesion Segmentation using ResEnc-Model Ensemble

no code implementations19 Sep 2024 Tanya Chutani, Saikiran Bonthu, Pranab Samanta, Nitin Singhal

To address this challenge, We trained a 3D Residual encoder U-Net within the no new U-Net framework, aiming to generalize the performance of automatic lesion segmentation of whole body PET/CT scans, across different tracers and clinical sites.

Computed Tomography (CT) Lesion Segmentation +1

Optic Disc, Cup and Fovea Detection from Retinal Images Using U-Net++ with EfficientNet Encoder

no code implementations20 Nov 2020 Ravi Kamble, Pranab Samanta, Nitin Singhal

The accurate detection of retinal structures like an optic disc (OD), cup, and fovea is crucial for the analysis of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Glaucoma, and other retinal conditions.

Fovea Detection Optic Cup Detection +4

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