Search Results for author: Pranay Manocha

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

CORN: Co-Trained Full- And No-Reference Speech Quality Assessment

no code implementations13 Oct 2023 Pranay Manocha, Donald Williamson, Adam Finkelstein

In contrast, no-reference (NR) metrics evaluate a recording without relying on a reference.

TorchAudio-Squim: Reference-less Speech Quality and Intelligibility measures in TorchAudio

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Anurag Kumar, Ke Tan, Zhaoheng Ni, Pranay Manocha, Xiaohui Zhang, Ethan Henderson, Buye Xu

To enable this, a variety of metrics to measure quality and intelligibility under different assumptions have been developed.

Speech Quality Assessment through MOS using Non-Matching References

1 code implementation24 Jun 2022 Pranay Manocha, Anurag Kumar

Human judgments obtained through Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) are the most reliable way to assess the quality of speech signals.

Self-Supervised Learning

NORESQA: A Framework for Speech Quality Assessment using Non-Matching References

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Pranay Manocha, Buye Xu, Anurag Kumar

We show that neural networks trained using our framework produce scores that correlate well with subjective mean opinion scores (MOS) and are also competitive to methods such as DNSMOS, which explicitly relies on MOS from humans for training networks.

Speech Enhancement

DPLM: A Deep Perceptual Spatial-Audio Localization Metric

no code implementations29 May 2021 Pranay Manocha, Anurag Kumar, Buye Xu, Anjali Menon, Israel D. Gebru, Vamsi K. Ithapu, Paul Calamia

Subjective evaluations are critical for assessing the perceptual realism of sounds in audio-synthesis driven technologies like augmented and virtual reality.

Audio Synthesis

CDPAM: Contrastive learning for perceptual audio similarity

1 code implementation9 Feb 2021 Pranay Manocha, Zeyu Jin, Richard Zhang, Adam Finkelstein

The DPAM approach of Manocha et al. learns a full-reference metric trained directly on human judgments, and thus correlates well with human perception.

Contrastive Learning Speech Enhancement +2

Tumor Classification and Segmentation of MR Brain Images

no code implementations31 Oct 2017 Tanvi Gupta, Pranay Manocha, Tapan K. Gandhi, RK Gupta, BK Panigrahi

The diagnosis and segmentation of tumors using any medical diagnostic tool can be challenging due to the varying nature of this pathology.

Classification General Classification +2

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