Search Results for author: Pratusha Prasad

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Localized Gaussian Splatting Editing with Contextual Awareness

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Hanyuan Xiao, Yingshu Chen, Huajian Huang, Haolin Xiong, Jing Yang, Pratusha Prasad, Yajie Zhao

In the second Texture Enhancement step, we introduce a novel Depth-guided Inpainting Score Distillation Sampling (DI-SDS), which enhances geometry and texture details with the inpainting diffusion prior, beyond the scope of the 3D-aware diffusion prior knowledge in the first coarse step.

3D scene Editing Image to 3D +2

Learning Formation of Physically-Based Face Attributes

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Ruilong Li, Karl Bladin, Yajie Zhao, Chinmay Chinara, Owen Ingraham, Pengda Xiang, Xinglei Ren, Pratusha Prasad, Bipin Kishore, Jun Xing, Hao Li

Based on a combined data set of 4000 high resolution facial scans, we introduce a non-linear morphable face model, capable of producing multifarious face geometry of pore-level resolution, coupled with material attributes for use in physically-based rendering.

Data Visualization Face Model

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