Search Results for author: Pratyush Tiwary

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

A survey of probabilistic generative frameworks for molecular simulations

1 code implementation14 Nov 2024 Richard John, Lukas Herron, Pratyush Tiwary

In a nutshell, (i) Neural Spline Flows do best at capturing mode asymmetry present in low-dimensional data, (ii) Conditional Flow Matching outperforms other models for high-dimensional data with low complexity, and (iii) Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models appears the best for low-dimensional data with high complexity.

Benchmarking Denoising +2

Generative artificial intelligence for computational chemistry: a roadmap to predicting emergent phenomena

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Pratyush Tiwary, Lukas Herron, Richard John, Suemin Lee, Disha Sanwal, Ruiyu Wang

We believe that the ultimate goal of a simulation method or theory is to predict phenomena not seen before, and that Generative AI should be subject to these same standards before it is deemed useful for chemistry.

Computational chemistry

Enhanced sampling of Crystal Nucleation with Graph Representation Learnt Variables

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Ziyue Zou, Pratyush Tiwary

This underscores the strength and promise of our graph neural net variables for improved sampling.

Graph Neural Network

Enhanced Sampling with Machine Learning: A Review

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Shams Mehdi, Zachary Smith, Lukas Herron, Ziyue Zou, Pratyush Tiwary

Molecular dynamics (MD) enables the study of physical systems with excellent spatiotemporal resolution but suffers from severe time-scale limitations.

Dimensionality Reduction

From latent dynamics to meaningful representations

1 code implementation2 Sep 2022 Dedi Wang, Yihang Wang, Luke Evans, Pratyush Tiwary

We show this is a more natural constraint for representation learning in stochastic dynamical systems, with the crucial ability to uniquely identify the ground truth representation.

Representation Learning

Thermodynamics-inspired Explanations of Artificial Intelligence

1 code implementation27 Jun 2022 Shams Mehdi, Pratyush Tiwary

To demonstrate the wide-ranging applicability of TERP, we successfully employ it to explain various black-box model architectures, including deep learning Autoencoders, Recurrent Neural Networks, and Convolutional Neural Networks, across diverse domains such as molecular simulations, text, and image classification.

feature selection Image Classification +2

Path sampling of recurrent neural networks by incorporating known physics

no code implementations1 Mar 2022 Sun-Ting Tsai, Eric Fields, Yijia Xu, En-Jui Kuo, Pratyush Tiwary

Often one wishes to supplement the experimentally observed dynamics with prior knowledge or intuition about the system.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Learning Molecular Dynamics with Simple Language Model built upon Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network

2 code implementations26 Apr 2020 Sun-Ting Tsai, En-Jui Kuo, Pratyush Tiwary

We anticipate that our work represents a stepping stone in the understanding and use of RNNs for modeling and predicting dynamics of complex stochastic molecular systems.

Disordered Systems and Neural Networks Statistical Mechanics Chemical Physics Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

Understanding the role of predictive time delay and biased propagator in RAVE

1 code implementation14 Feb 2020 Yihang Wang, Pratyush Tiwary

We demonstrate through a master equation framework as to why the exact choice of time-delay is irrelevant as long as a small non-zero value is adopted.

Statistical Mechanics Chemical Physics Computational Physics

Machine learning approaches for analyzing and enhancing molecular dynamics simulations

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Yihang Wang, Joao Marcelo Lamim Ribeiro, Pratyush Tiwary

Molecular dynamics (MD) has become a powerful tool for studying biophysical systems, due to increasing computational power and availability of software.

Computational Physics Biological Physics Chemical Physics

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