Search Results for author: Prayaag Venkat

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Privately Estimating a Gaussian: Efficient, Robust and Optimal

no code implementations15 Dec 2022 Daniel Alabi, Pravesh K. Kothari, Pranay Tankala, Prayaag Venkat, Fred Zhang

We prove a new lower bound on differentially private covariance estimation to show that the dependence on the condition number $\kappa$ in the above sample bound is also tight.

Near-optimal fitting of ellipsoids to random points

no code implementations19 Aug 2022 Aaron Potechin, Paxton Turner, Prayaag Venkat, Alexander S. Wein

6031-6036, 2013] conjecture that the ellipsoid fitting problem transitions from feasible to infeasible as the number of points $n$ increases, with a sharp threshold at $n \sim d^2/4$.

Optimal Regularization Can Mitigate Double Descent

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Preetum Nakkiran, Prayaag Venkat, Sham Kakade, Tengyu Ma

Recent empirical and theoretical studies have shown that many learning algorithms -- from linear regression to neural networks -- can have test performance that is non-monotonic in quantities such the sample size and model size.


A Fast Spectral Algorithm for Mean Estimation with Sub-Gaussian Rates

no code implementations13 Aug 2019 Zhixian Lei, Kyle Luh, Prayaag Venkat, Fred Zhang

The goal is to design an efficient estimator that attains the optimal sub-gaussian error bound, only assuming that the random vector has bounded mean and covariance.

Computational Efficiency LEMMA

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