Search Results for author: Priyam Parashar

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Meta-Modeling of Assembly Contingencies and Planning for Repair

no code implementations12 Mar 2021 Priyam Parashar, Aayush Naik, Jiaming Hu, Henrik I. Christensen

The World Robotics Challenge (2018 & 2020) was designed to challenge teams to design systems that are easy to adapt to new tasks and to ensure robust operation in a semi-structured environment.

Modeling Preemptive Behaviors for Uncommon Hazardous Situations From Demonstrations

no code implementations1 Jun 2018 Priyam Parashar, Akansel Cosgun, Alireza Nakhaei, Kikuo Fujimura

This paper presents a learning from demonstration approach to programming safe, autonomous behaviors for uncommon driving scenarios.

Decision Making

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