Search Results for author: Puyang Wang

Found 17 papers, 8 papers with code

SAMConvex: Fast Discrete Optimization for CT Registration using Self-supervised Anatomical Embedding and Correlation Pyramid

1 code implementation19 Jul 2023 Zi Li, Lin Tian, Tony C. W. Mok, Xiaoyu Bai, Puyang Wang, Jia Ge, Jingren Zhou, Le Lu, Xianghua Ye, Ke Yan, Dakai Jin

Estimating displacement vector field via a cost volume computed in the feature space has shown great success in image registration, but it suffers excessive computation burdens.

Image Registration

Accurate Airway Tree Segmentation in CT Scans via Anatomy-aware Multi-class Segmentation and Topology-guided Iterative Learning

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Puyang Wang, Dazhou Guo, Dandan Zheng, Minghui Zhang, Haogang Yu, Xin Sun, Jia Ge, Yun Gu, Le Lu, Xianghua Ye, Dakai Jin

Intrathoracic airway segmentation in computed tomography (CT) is a prerequisite for various respiratory disease analyses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and lung cancer.

Anatomy Computed Tomography (CT) +3

Over-and-Under Complete Convolutional RNN for MRI Reconstruction

no code implementations16 Jun 2021 Pengfei Guo, Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu, Puyang Wang, Jinyuan Zhou, Shanshan Jiang, Vishal M. Patel

Reconstructing magnetic resonance (MR) images from undersampled data is a challenging problem due to various artifacts introduced by the under-sampling operation.

MRI Reconstruction

Multi-institutional Collaborations for Improving Deep Learning-based Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Federated Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Pengfei Guo, Puyang Wang, Jinyuan Zhou, Shanshan Jiang, Vishal M. Patel

However, the generalizability of models trained with the FL setting can still be suboptimal due to domain shift, which results from the data collected at multiple institutions with different sensors, disease types, and acquisition protocols, etc.

Federated Learning Image Reconstruction

Confidence-guided Lesion Mask-based Simultaneous Synthesis of Anatomic and Molecular MR Images in Patients with Post-treatment Malignant Gliomas

1 code implementation6 Aug 2020 Pengfei Guo, Puyang Wang, Rajeev Yasarla, Jinyuan Zhou, Vishal M. Patel, Shanshan Jiang

Data-driven automatic approaches have demonstrated their great potential in resolving various clinical diagnostic dilemmas in neuro-oncology, especially with the help of standard anatomic and advanced molecular MR images.

Lesion Mask-based Simultaneous Synthesis of Anatomic and MolecularMR Images using a GAN

1 code implementation26 Jun 2020 Pengfei Guo, Puyang Wang, Jinyuan Zhou, Vishal M. Patel, Shanshan Jiang

Data-driven automatic approaches have demonstrated their great potential in resolving various clinical diagnostic dilemmas for patients with malignant gliomas in neuro-oncology with the help of conventional and advanced molecular MR images.

Data Augmentation

Learning to Segment Brain Anatomy from 2D Ultrasound with Less Data

no code implementations18 Dec 2019 Jeya Maria Jose V., Rajeev Yasarla, Puyang Wang, Ilker Hacihaliloglu, Vishal M. Patel

We show that our method can synthesize high-quality US images for every manipulated segmentation label with qualitative and quantitative improvements over the recent state-of-the-art synthesis methods.

Anatomy Image Generation +2

Pyramid Convolutional RNN for MRI Image Reconstruction

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Eric Z. Chen, Puyang Wang, Xiao Chen, Terrence Chen, Shanhui Sun

We evaluate our model on the fastMRI knee and brain datasets and the results show that the proposed model outperforms other methods and can recover more details.

MRI Reconstruction

Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification of Bone Surfaces from Ultrasound Using a Multi-feature Guided CNN

no code implementations26 Jun 2018 Puyang Wang, Vishal M. Patel, Ilker Hacihaliloglu

Various imaging artifacts, low signal-to-noise ratio, and bone surfaces appearing several millimeters in thickness have hindered the success of ultrasound (US) guided computer assisted orthopedic surgery procedures.

General Classification Segmentation

Generating High Quality Visible Images from SAR Images Using CNNs

no code implementations27 Feb 2018 Puyang Wang, Vishal M. Patel

We propose a novel approach for generating high quality visible-like images from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architectures.

Colorization Generative Adversarial Network +2

SAR Image Despeckling Using a Convolutional Neural Network

3 code implementations2 Jun 2017 Puyang Wang, He Zhang, Vishal M. Patel

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are often contaminated by a multiplicative noise known as speckle.

Sar Image Despeckling

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