Search Results for author: Qi Dong

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

Short-Term Electricity-Load Forecasting by Deep Learning: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Qi Dong, Rubing Huang, Chenhui Cui, Dave Towey, Ling Zhou, Jinyu Tian, Jianzhou Wang

Short-Term Electricity-Load Forecasting (STELF) refers to the prediction of the immediate demand (in the next few hours to several days) for the power system.

Load Forecasting

Non-autoregressive Sequence-to-Sequence Vision-Language Models

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Kunyu Shi, Qi Dong, Luis Goncalves, Zhuowen Tu, Stefano Soatto

Sequence-to-sequence vision-language models are showing promise, but their applicability is limited by their inference latency due to their autoregressive way of generating predictions.

Decoder Language Modelling

Adaptive dynamic programming-based adaptive-gain sliding mode tracking control for fixed-wing UAV with disturbances

no code implementations13 Jul 2021 Chaofan Zhang, Guoshan Zhang, Qi Dong

This paper proposes an adaptive dynamic programming-based adaptive-gain sliding mode control (ADP-ASMC) scheme for a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with matched and unmatched disturbances.

Visual Relationship Detection Using Part-and-Sum Transformers with Composite Queries

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Qi Dong, Zhuowen Tu, Haofu Liao, Yuting Zhang, Vijay Mahadevan, Stefano Soatto

Computer vision applications such as visual relationship detection and human object interaction can be formulated as a composite (structured) set detection problem in which both the parts (subject, object, and predicate) and the sum (triplet as a whole) are to be detected in a hierarchical fashion.

Human-Object Interaction Detection Object +3

Person Search by Text Attribute Query As Zero-Shot Learning

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Qi Dong, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu

Existing person search methods predominantly assume the availability of at least one-shot imagery sample of the queried person.

Attribute Person Search +1

Unsupervised Deep Learning by Neighbourhood Discovery

1 code implementation25 Apr 2019 Jiabo Huang, Qi Dong, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated remarkable success in computer vision by supervisedly learning strong visual feature representations.

Image Classification

Single-Label Multi-Class Image Classification by Deep Logistic Regression

no code implementations20 Nov 2018 Qi Dong, Xiatian Zhu, Shaogang Gong

The objective learning formulation is essential for the success of convolutional neural networks.

Attribute Classification +4

Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification

1 code implementation28 Apr 2018 Qi Dong, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu

In particular, existing deep learning methods consider mostly either class balanced data or moderately imbalanced data in model training, and ignore the challenge of learning from significantly imbalanced training data.

Attribute Facial Attribute Classification

Class Rectification Hard Mining for Imbalanced Deep Learning

1 code implementation ICCV 2017 Qi Dong, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu

Recognising detailed facial or clothing attributes in images of people is a challenging task for computer vision, especially when the training data are both in very large scale and extremely imbalanced among different attribute classes.


Multi-Task Curriculum Transfer Deep Learning of Clothing Attributes

no code implementations12 Oct 2016 Qi Dong, Shaogang Gong, Xiatian Zhu

Recognising detailed clothing characteristics (fine-grained attributes) in unconstrained images of people in-the-wild is a challenging task for computer vision, especially when there is only limited training data from the wild whilst most data available for model learning are captured in well-controlled environments using fashion models (well lit, no background clutter, frontal view, high-resolution).

Attribute Transfer Learning

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