Search Results for author: QiPeng Wang

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

ReARTeR: Retrieval-Augmented Reasoning with Trustworthy Process Rewarding

no code implementations14 Jan 2025 Zhongxiang Sun, QiPeng Wang, Weijie Yu, Xiaoxue Zang, Kai Zheng, Jun Xu, Xiao Zhang, Song Yang, Han Li

ReARTeR addresses three core challenges: (1) misalignment between PRM and PEM, tackled through off-policy preference learning; (2) bias in PRM training data, mitigated by balanced annotation methods and stronger annotations for challenging examples; and (3) early-step bias in PRM, resolved through a temporal-difference-based look-ahead search strategy.

A Survey of Resource-efficient LLM and Multimodal Foundation Models

1 code implementation16 Jan 2024 Mengwei Xu, Wangsong Yin, Dongqi Cai, Rongjie Yi, Daliang Xu, QiPeng Wang, Bingyang Wu, Yihao Zhao, Chen Yang, Shihe Wang, Qiyang Zhang, Zhenyan Lu, Li Zhang, Shangguang Wang, Yuanchun Li, Yunxin Liu, Xin Jin, Xuanzhe Liu

Large foundation models, including large language models (LLMs), vision transformers (ViTs), diffusion, and LLM-based multimodal models, are revolutionizing the entire machine learning lifecycle, from training to deployment.


MUSIC Algorithm for IRS-Assisted AOA Estimation

no code implementations6 Sep 2023 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang

In this paper, we consider a more challenging AOA estimation setup in the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system, where LOS paths do not exist between the BS and the users, while the users' signals can be transmitted to the BS merely via their LOS paths to the IRS as well as the LOS path from the IRS to the BS.

A Heterogeneous 6G Networked Sensing Architecture with Active and Passive Anchors

no code implementations4 May 2023 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Boya Di, Francis C. M. Lau

In this paper, we show that the distance between a target and its associated IRS can be indirectly estimated based on the length of the BS-target-BS path and the BS-target-IRS-BS path.

Trilateration-Based Device-Free Sensing: Two Base Stations and One Passive IRS Are Sufficient

no code implementations25 May 2022 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

The classic trilateration technique can localize each target based on its distances to three anchors with known coordinates.

Exploiting Temporal Side Information in Massive IoT Connectivity

1 code implementation5 Jan 2022 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

In particular, we propose to leverage the temporal correlation in device activity, e. g., a device active in the previous coherence block is more likely to be still active in the current coherence block, to improve the detection and estimation performance.

Action Detection Activity Detection

On Massive IoT Connectivity with Temporally-Correlated User Activity

1 code implementation27 Jan 2021 QiPeng Wang, Liang Liu, Shuowen Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau

In particular, we propose to leverage the temporal correlation in user activity, i. e., a device active at the previous time slot is more likely to be still active at the current moment, to improve the detection performance.

Action Detection Activity Detection Information Theory Signal Processing Information Theory

Characterizing Impacts of Heterogeneity in Federated Learning upon Large-Scale Smartphone Data

no code implementations12 Jun 2020 Chengxu Yang, Qipeng Wang, Mengwei Xu, Zhenpeng Chen, Kaigui Bian, Yunxin Liu, Xuanzhe Liu

Based on the data and the platform, we conduct extensive experiments to compare the performance of state-of-the-art FL algorithms under heterogeneity-aware and heterogeneity-unaware settings.

Fairness Federated Learning +1

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