Search Results for author: Qiangqiang Yuan

Found 17 papers, 8 papers with code

Frequency-Assisted Mamba for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution

1 code implementation8 May 2024 Yi Xiao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Kui Jiang, Yuzeng Chen, Qiang Zhang, Chia-Wen Lin

To alleviate these issues, we develop the first attempt to integrate the Vision State Space Model (Mamba) for RSI-SR, which specializes in processing large-scale RSI by capturing long-range dependency with linear complexity.

Image Super-Resolution

Deep Blind Super-Resolution for Satellite Video

1 code implementation13 Jan 2024 Yi Xiao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Qiang Zhang, Liangpei Zhang

Therefore, this paper proposes a practical Blind SVSR algorithm (BSVSR) to explore more sharp cues by considering the pixel-wise blur levels in a coarse-to-fine manner.

Blind Super-Resolution Video Super-Resolution

TDiffDe: A Truncated Diffusion Model for Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Image Denoising

no code implementations22 Nov 2023 Jiang He, Yajie Li, Jie L, Qiangqiang Yuan

Hyperspectral images play a crucial role in precision agriculture, environmental monitoring or ecological analysis.

Hyperspectral Image Denoising Image Denoising +1

EDiffSR: An Efficient Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution

1 code implementation30 Oct 2023 Yi Xiao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Kui Jiang, Jiang He, Xianyu Jin, Liangpei Zhang

Recently, convolutional networks have achieved remarkable development in remote sensing image Super-Resoltuion (SR) by minimizing the regression objectives, e. g., MSE loss.

Image Super-Resolution

Local-Global Temporal Difference Learning for Satellite Video Super-Resolution

2 code implementations10 Apr 2023 Yi Xiao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Kui Jiang, Xianyu Jin, Jiang He, Liangpei Zhang, Chia-Wen Lin

To explore the global dependency in the entire frame sequence, a Long-term Temporal Difference Module (L-TDM) is proposed, where the differences between forward and backward segments are incorporated and activated to guide the modulation of the temporal feature, leading to a holistic global compensation.

Optical Flow Estimation Video Super-Resolution

Coupling Model-Driven and Data-Driven Methods for Remote Sensing Image Restoration and Fusion

no code implementations13 Aug 2021 Huanfeng Shen, Menghui Jiang, Jie Li, Chenxia Zhou, Qiangqiang Yuan, Liangpei Zhang

In this paper, we systematically investigate the coupling of model-driven and data-driven methods, which has rarely been considered in the remote sensing image restoration and fusion communities.

Image Restoration

Fully Polarimetric SAR and Single-Polarization SAR Image Fusion Network

no code implementations18 Jul 2021 Liupeng Lin, Jie Li, Huanfeng Shen, Lingli Zhao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Xinghua Li

The data fusion technology aims to aggregate the characteristics of different data and obtain products with multiple data advantages.

Cloud Removal with Fusion of High Resolution Optical and SAR Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations MDPI Remote Sensing 2020 Jianhao Gao, Qiangqiang Yuan, Jie Li, Hai Zhang, Xin Su

The approach can be roughly divided into two steps: in the first step, a specially designed convolutional neural network (CNN) translates the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images into simulated optical images in an object-to-object manner; in the second step, the simulated optical image, together with the SAR image and the optical image corrupted by clouds, is fused to reconstruct the corrupted area by a generative adversarial network (GAN) with a particular loss function.

Cloud Removal Earth Observation +2

Hybrid Noise Removal in Hyperspectral Imagery With a Spatial-Spectral Gradient Network

1 code implementation1 Oct 2018 Qiang Zhang, Qiangqiang Yuan, Jie Li, Xin-Xin Liu, Huanfeng Shen, Liangpei Zhang

The existence of hybrid noise in hyperspectral images (HSIs) severely degrades the data quality, reduces the interpretation accuracy of HSIs, and restricts the subsequent HSIs applications.


Spatial-Spectral Fusion by Combining Deep Learning and Variation Model

no code implementations4 Sep 2018 Huanfeng Shen, Menghui Jiang, Jie Li, Qiangqiang Yuan, Yanchong Wei, Liangpei Zhang

In the field of spatial-spectral fusion, the model-based method and the deep learning (DL)-based method are state-of-the-art.

Missing Data Reconstruction in Remote Sensing image with a Unified Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Deep Convolutional Neural Network

1 code implementation23 Feb 2018 Qiang Zhang, Qiangqiang Yuan, Chao Zeng, Xinghua Li, Yancong Wei

Because of the internal malfunction of satellite sensors and poor atmospheric conditions such as thick cloud, the acquired remote sensing data often suffer from missing information, i. e., the data usability is greatly reduced.

Cloud Removal STS

A Multi-Scale and Multi-Depth Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Imagery Pan-Sharpening

no code implementations28 Dec 2017 Qiangqiang Yuan, Yancong Wei, Xiangchao Meng, Huanfeng Shen, Liangpei Zhang

Pan-sharpening is a fundamental and significant task in the field of remote sensing imagery processing, in which high-resolution spatial details from panchromatic images are employed to enhance the spatial resolution of multi-spectral (MS) images.

Learning a Dilated Residual Network for SAR Image Despeckling

1 code implementation9 Sep 2017 Qiang Zhang, Qiangqiang Yuan, Jie Li, Zhen Yang, Xiaoshuang Ma

In this paper, to break the limit of the traditional linear models for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image despeckling, we propose a novel deep learning approach by learning a non-linear end-to-end mapping between the noisy and clean SAR images with a dilated residual network (SAR-DRN).

Sar Image Despeckling

Boosting the accuracy of multi-spectral image pan-sharpening by learning a deep residual network

no code implementations22 May 2017 Yancong Wei, Qiangqiang Yuan, Huanfeng Shen, Liangpei Zhang

In the field of fusing multi-spectral and panchromatic images (Pan-sharpening), the impressive effectiveness of deep neural networks has been recently employed to overcome the drawbacks of traditional linear models and boost the fusing accuracy.

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