Search Results for author: Qilong Zhang

Found 13 papers, 11 papers with code

Practical Deep Dispersed Watermarking with Synchronization and Fusion

1 code implementation23 Oct 2023 Hengchang Guo, Qilong Zhang, Junwei Luo, Feng Guo, Wenbin Zhang, Xiaodong Su, Minglei Li

Compared with state-of-the-art approaches, our blind watermarking can achieve better performance: averagely improve the bit accuracy by 5. 28\% and 5. 93\% against single and combined attacks, respectively, and show less file size increment and better visual quality.

Natural Color Fool: Towards Boosting Black-box Unrestricted Attacks

1 code implementation5 Oct 2022 Shengming Yuan, Qilong Zhang, Lianli Gao, Yaya Cheng, Jingkuan Song

Unrestricted color attacks, which manipulate semantically meaningful color of an image, have shown their stealthiness and success in fooling both human eyes and deep neural networks.

Adversarial Attack

Frequency Domain Model Augmentation for Adversarial Attack

2 code implementations12 Jul 2022 Yuyang Long, Qilong Zhang, Boheng Zeng, Lianli Gao, Xianglong Liu, Jian Zhang, Jingkuan Song

Specifically, we apply a spectrum transformation to the input and thus perform the model augmentation in the frequency domain.

Adversarial Attack Diversity +1

Practical Evaluation of Adversarial Robustness via Adaptive Auto Attack

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Ye Liu, Yaya Cheng, Lianli Gao, Xianglong Liu, Qilong Zhang, Jingkuan Song

Specifically, by observing that adversarial examples to a specific defense model follow some regularities in their starting points, we design an Adaptive Direction Initialization strategy to speed up the evaluation.

Adversarial Robustness

Practical No-box Adversarial Attacks with Training-free Hybrid Image Transformation

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Qilong Zhang, Chaoning Zhang, CHAOQUN LI, Jingkuan Song, Lianli Gao

In this paper, we move a step forward and show the existence of a \textbf{training-free} adversarial perturbation under the no-box threat model, which can be successfully used to attack different DNNs in real-time.

Beyond ImageNet Attack: Towards Crafting Adversarial Examples for Black-box Domains

2 code implementations ICLR 2022 Qilong Zhang, Xiaodan Li, Yuefeng Chen, Jingkuan Song, Lianli Gao, Yuan He, Hui Xue

Notably, our methods outperform state-of-the-art approaches by up to 7. 71\% (towards coarse-grained domains) and 25. 91\% (towards fine-grained domains) on average.

Fast Gradient Non-sign Methods

1 code implementation25 Oct 2021 Yaya Cheng, Jingkuan Song, Xiaosu Zhu, Qilong Zhang, Lianli Gao, Heng Tao Shen

Based on the linearity hypothesis, under $\ell_\infty$ constraint, $sign$ operation applied to the gradients is a good choice for generating perturbations.

Feature Space Targeted Attacks by Statistic Alignment

1 code implementation25 May 2021 Lianli Gao, Yaya Cheng, Qilong Zhang, Xing Xu, Jingkuan Song

However, the current choice of pixel-wise Euclidean Distance to measure the discrepancy is questionable because it unreasonably imposes a spatial-consistency constraint on the source and target features.


Staircase Sign Method for Boosting Adversarial Attacks

2 code implementations20 Apr 2021 Qilong Zhang, Xiaosu Zhu, Jingkuan Song, Lianli Gao, Heng Tao Shen

Crafting adversarial examples for the transfer-based attack is challenging and remains a research hot spot.

Adversarial Attack

Patch-wise++ Perturbation for Adversarial Targeted Attacks

1 code implementation31 Dec 2020 Lianli Gao, Qilong Zhang, Jingkuan Song, Heng Tao Shen

Specifically, we introduce an amplification factor to the step size in each iteration, and one pixel's overall gradient overflowing the $\epsilon$-constraint is properly assigned to its surrounding regions by a project kernel.

Adversarial Attack

Patch-wise Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Network

4 code implementations ECCV 2020 Lianli Gao, Qilong Zhang, Jingkuan Song, Xianglong Liu, Heng Tao Shen

By adding human-imperceptible noise to clean images, the resultant adversarial examples can fool other unknown models.

Adversarial Attack Image Classification

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