Search Results for author: Qiulei Dong

Found 27 papers, 6 papers with code

Density-Guided Semi-Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation with Dual-Space Hardness Sampling

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Jianan Li, Qiulei Dong

In this technique an inter-contrast loss is derived from the perturbed unlabeled point cloud pairs while an intra-contrast loss is derived from a single unlabeled point cloud.

3D Semantic Segmentation Contrastive Learning

A Survey on Open-Set Image Recognition

no code implementations25 Dec 2023 Jiayin Sun, Qiulei Dong

Open-set image recognition (OSR) aims to both classify known-class samples and identify unknown-class samples in the testing set, which supports robust classifiers in many realistic applications, such as autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, security monitoring, etc.

Autonomous Driving Medical Diagnosis +1

EAR-Net: Pursuing End-to-End Absolute Rotations from Multi-View Images

no code implementations16 Oct 2023 Yuzhen Liu, Qiulei Dong

Based on this graph, the confidence-aware rotation averaging module, which is differentiable, is explored to predict the absolute rotations.

graph construction

Recursive Counterfactual Deconfounding for Object Recognition

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Jiayin Sun, Hong Wang, Qiulei Dong

Image recognition is a classic and common task in the computer vision field, which has been widely applied in the past decade.

counterfactual Object +2

Two-in-One Depth: Bridging the Gap Between Monocular and Binocular Self-supervised Depth Estimation

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Zhengming Zhou, Qiulei Dong

Monocular and binocular self-supervised depth estimations are two important and related tasks in computer vision, which aim to predict scene depths from single images and stereo image pairs respectively.

Monocular Depth Estimation

SMOC-Net: Leveraging Camera Pose for Self-Supervised Monocular Object Pose Estimation

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Tao Tan, Qiulei Dong

The teacher model contains a backbone estimation module for initial object pose estimation, and an object pose refiner for refining the initial object poses using a geometric constraint (called relative-pose constraint) derived from relative camera poses.

6D Pose Estimation using RGB Knowledge Distillation +2

Open-Set Semantic Segmentation for Point Clouds via Adversarial Prototype Framework

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Jianan Li, Qiulei Dong

The proposed APF consists of a feature extraction module for extracting point features, a prototypical constraint module, and a feature adversarial module.

3D Semantic Segmentation Segmentation

Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Open-Set Fine-Grained Image Recognition

no code implementations25 Nov 2022 Jiayin Sun, Hong Wang, Qiulei Dong

To address this problem, motivated by the temporal attention mechanism in brains, we propose a spatial-temporal attention network for learning fine-grained feature representations, called STAN, where the features learnt by implementing a sequence of spatial self-attention operations corresponding to multiple moments are aggregated progressively.

Fine-Grained Image Recognition Open Set Learning

Descriptor Distillation: a Teacher-Student-Regularized Framework for Learning Local Descriptors

no code implementations23 Sep 2022 Yuzhen Liu, Qiulei Dong

This teacher-student regularizer is to constrain the difference between the positive (also negative) pair similarity from the teacher model and that from the student model, and we theoretically prove that a more effective student model could be trained by minimizing a weighted combination of the triplet loss and this regularizer, than its teacher which is trained by minimizing the triplet loss singly.

Self-distilled Feature Aggregation for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

2 code implementations15 Sep 2022 Zhengming Zhou, Qiulei Dong

Addressing this problem, we propose the Self-Distilled Feature Aggregation (SDFA) module for simultaneously aggregating a pair of low-scale and high-scale features and maintaining their contextual consistency.

Depth Prediction Monocular Depth Estimation

Orthogonal-Coding-Based Feature Generation for Transductive Open-Set Recognition via Dual-Space Consistent Sampling

no code implementations13 Jul 2022 Jiayin Sun, Qiulei Dong

Specifically, at each iteration, a dual-space consistent sampling approach is presented in the explored reliability sampling module for selecting some relatively more reliable ones from the test samples according to their pseudo labels assigned by a baseline method, which could be an arbitrary inductive OSR method.

Open Set Learning Transductive Learning

An Iterative Co-Training Transductive Framework for Zero Shot Learning

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Bo Liu, Lihua Hu, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

How to generate pseudo labels for unseen-class samples and how to use such usually noisy pseudo labels are two critical issues in transductive learning.

Transductive Learning Zero-Shot Learning

Learning Occlusion-Aware Coarse-to-Fine Depth Map for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

2 code implementations21 Mar 2022 Zhengming Zhou, Qiulei Dong

In spite of recent efforts in this field, how to learn accurate scene depths and alleviate the negative influence of occlusions for self-supervised depth estimation, still remains an open problem.

Monocular Depth Estimation

Semantic-diversity transfer network for generalized zero-shot learning via inner disagreement based OOD detector

no code implementations17 Mar 2022 Bo Liu, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

Firstly, we propose a Semantic-diversity transfer Network (SetNet) addressing the first two limitations, where 1) a multiple-attention architecture and a diversity regularizer are proposed to learn multiple local visual features that are more consistent with semantic attributes and 2) a projector ensemble that geometrically takes diverse local features as inputs is proposed to model visual-semantic relations from diverse local perspectives.

Diversity Generalized Zero-Shot Learning +1

Pursuing 3D Scene Structures with Optical Satellite Images from Affine Reconstruction to Euclidean Reconstruction

no code implementations16 Jan 2022 Pinhe Wang, Limin Shi, Bao Chen, Zhanyi Hu, Qiulei Dong, Jianzhong Qiao

How to use multiple optical satellite images to recover the 3D scene structure is a challenging and important problem in the remote sensing field.

HardBoost: Boosting Zero-Shot Learning with Hard Classes

no code implementations14 Jan 2022 Bo Liu, Lihua Hu, Zhanyi Hu, Qiulei Dong

This work is a systematical analysis on the so-called hard class problem in zero-shot learning (ZSL), that is, some unseen classes disproportionally affect the ZSL performances than others, as well as how to remedy the problem by detecting and exploiting hard classes.

Zero-Shot Learning

Superpoint-guided Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

no code implementations8 Jul 2021 Shuang Deng, Qiulei Dong, Bo Liu, Zhanyi Hu

The proposed network is iteratively updated with its predicted pseudo labels, where a superpoint generation module is introduced for extracting superpoints from 3D point clouds, and a pseudo-label optimization module is explored for automatically assigning pseudo labels to the unlabeled points under the constraint of the extracted superpoints.

Point Cloud Segmentation Pseudo Label +2

Rotation Transformation Network: Learning View-Invariant Point Cloud for Classification and Segmentation

1 code implementation7 Jul 2021 Shuang Deng, Bo Liu, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

Many recent works show that a spatial manipulation module could boost the performances of deep neural networks (DNNs) for 3D point cloud analysis.

3D Point Cloud Classification Point Cloud Classification

GA-NET: Global Attention Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Shuang Deng, Qiulei Dong

Addressing this problem, we propose a global attention network for point cloud semantic segmentation, named as GA-Net, consisting of a point-independent global attention module and a point-dependent global attention module for obtaining contextual information of 3D point clouds in this paper.

Semantic Segmentation

Language-Level Semantics Conditioned 3D Point Cloud Segmentation

no code implementations1 Jul 2021 Bo Liu, Shuang Deng, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

In this work, a language-level Semantics Conditioned framework for 3D Point cloud segmentation, called SeCondPoint, is proposed, where language-level semantics are introduced to condition the modeling of point feature distribution as well as the pseudo-feature generation, and a feature-geometry-based mixup approach is further proposed to facilitate the distribution learning.

Point Cloud Segmentation Segmentation +2

SCF-Net: Learning Spatial Contextual Features for Large-Scale Point Cloud Segmentation

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Siqi Fan, Qiulei Dong, Fenghua Zhu, Yisheng Lv, Peijun Ye, Fei-Yue Wang

For each 3D point, the local polar representation block is firstly explored to construct a spatial representation that is invariant to the z-axis rotation, then the dual-distance attentive pooling block is designed to utilize the representations of its neighbors for learning more discriminative local features according to both the geometric and feature distances among them, and finally, the global contextual feature block is designed to learn a global context for each 3D point by utilizing its spatial location and the volume ratio of the neighborhood to the global point cloud.

3D Semantic Segmentation Decoder +2

Hardness Sampling for Self-Training Based Transductive Zero-Shot Learning

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Liu Bo, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

Addressing this problem, we first empirically analyze the roles of unseen-class samples with different degrees of hardness in the training process based on the uneven prediction phenomenon found in many ZSL methods, resulting in three observations.

Zero-Shot Learning

Zero-Shot Learning from Adversarial Feature Residual to Compact Visual Feature

no code implementations29 Aug 2020 Bo Liu, Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

In addition, considering that the visual features from categorization CNNs are generally inconsistent with their semantic features, a simple feature selection strategy is introduced for extracting more compact semantic visual features.

feature selection Object Recognition +1

Face representation by deep learning: a linear encoding in a parameter space?

no code implementations22 Oct 2019 Qiulei Dong, Jiayin Sun, Zhanyi Hu

In this work, we investigate this problem by formulating face images as points in a shape-appearance parameter space, and our results demonstrate that: (i) The encoding and decoding of the neuron responses (representations) to face images in CNNs could be achieved under a linear model in the parameter space, in agreement with the recent discovery in primate IT face neurons, but different from the aforementioned perspective on CNNs' face representation with complex image feature encoding; (ii) The linear model for face encoding and decoding in the parameter space could achieve close or even better performances on face recognition and verification than state-of-the-art CNNs, which might provide new lights on the design strategies for face recognition systems; (iii) The neuron responses to face images in CNNs could not be adequately modelled by the axis model, a model recently proposed on face modelling in primate IT cortex.

Face Recognition

Non-uniqueness phenomenon of object representation in modelling IT cortex by deep convolutional neural network (DCNN)

no code implementations6 Jun 2019 Qiulei Dong, Bo Liu, Zhanyi Hu

Recently DCNN (Deep Convolutional Neural Network) has been advocated as a general and promising modelling approach for neural object representation in primate inferotemporal cortex.


Statistics of Visual Responses to Object Stimuli from Primate AIT Neurons to DNN Neurons

no code implementations12 Dec 2016 Qiulei Dong, Zhanyi Hu

Lehky et al. (Lehky, 2011) provided a statistical analysis on neural responses to object stimuli in primate AIT cortex.

Object Object Recognition

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