Search Results for author: Qiyue Li

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Reinforcement Learning Based Robust Volt/Var Control in Active Distribution Networks With Imprecisely Known Delay

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Hong Cheng, Huan Luo, Zhi Liu, Wei Sun, Weitao Li, Qiyue Li

Due to the fluctuation and intermittency of PV generation, the state gap, arising from time-inconsistent states and exacerbated by imprecisely known system delays, significantly impacts the accuracy of voltage control.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

Spherical Convolution empowered FoV Prediction in 360-degree Video Multicast with Limited FoV Feedback

1 code implementation29 Jan 2022 Jie Li, Ling Han, Cong Zhang, Qiyue Li, Zhi Liu

Most of the current prediction methods combining saliency detection and FoV information neither take into account that the distortion of projected 360-degree videos can invalidate the weight sharing of traditional convolutional networks, nor do they adequately consider the difficulty of obtaining complete multi-user FoV information, which degrades the prediction performance.

Prediction Saliency Detection +2

Towards Unified Surgical Skill Assessment

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Daochang Liu, Qiyue Li, Tingting Jiang, Yizhou Wang, Rulin Miao, Fei Shan, Ziyu Li

In this paper, a unified multi-path framework for automatic surgical skill assessment is proposed, which takes care of multiple composing aspects of surgical skills, including surgical tool usage, intraoperative event pattern, and other skill proxies.

AF-DCGAN: Amplitude Feature Deep Convolutional GAN for Fingerprint Construction in Indoor Localization System

no code implementations15 Apr 2018 Qiyue Li, Heng Qu, Zhi Liu, Nana Zhou, Wei Sun, Jie Li

Based on the extended fingerprint database, the accuracy of indoor localization system can be improved with reduced human effort.

Networking and Internet Architecture

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