no code implementations • 1 Jul 2024 • Jayneel Parekh, Quentin Bouniot, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Alasdair Newson, Florence d'Alché-Buc
Developing inherently interpretable models for prediction has gained prominence in recent years.
no code implementations • 8 Nov 2023 • Quentin Bouniot
In this thesis, we develop theoretical, algorithmic and experimental contributions for Machine Learning with limited labels, and more specifically for the tasks of Image Classification and Object Detection in Computer Vision.
2 code implementations • 2 Nov 2023 • Quentin Bouniot, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Florence d'Alché-Buc
In this work, we argue that the likelihood of manifold intrusion increases with the distance between data to mix.
1 code implementation • 30 Oct 2023 • Quentin Bouniot, Angélique Loesch, Romaric Audigier, Amaury Habrard
For specialized and dense downstream tasks such as object detection, labeling data requires expertise and can be very expensive, making few-shot and semi-supervised models much more attractive alternatives.
no code implementations • 25 Oct 2023 • Quentin Bouniot, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch, Amaury Habrard
However, for unsupervised pretraining, the popular contrastive learning requires a large batch size and, therefore, a lot of resources.
1 code implementation • 17 Oct 2023 • Quentin Bouniot, Ievgen Redko, Anton Mallasto, Charlotte Laclau, Karol Arndt, Oliver Struckmeier, Markus Heinonen, Ville Kyrki, Samuel Kaski
In the last decade, we have witnessed the introduction of several novel deep neural network (DNN) architectures exhibiting ever-increasing performance across diverse tasks.
no code implementations • 27 Sep 2023 • Xuanlong Yu, Yi Zuo, Zitao Wang, Xiaowen Zhang, Jiaxuan Zhao, Yuting Yang, Licheng Jiao, Rui Peng, Xinyi Wang, Junpei Zhang, Kexin Zhang, Fang Liu, Roberto Alcover-Couso, Juan C. SanMiguel, Marcos Escudero-Viñolo, Hanlin Tian, Kenta Matsui, Tianhao Wang, Fahmy Adan, Zhitong Gao, Xuming He, Quentin Bouniot, Hossein Moghaddam, Shyam Nandan Rai, Fabio Cermelli, Carlo Masone, Andrea Pilzer, Elisa Ricci, Andrei Bursuc, Arno Solin, Martin Trapp, Rui Li, Angela Yao, Wenlong Chen, Ivor Simpson, Neill D. F. Campbell, Gianni Franchi
This paper outlines the winning solutions employed in addressing the MUAD uncertainty quantification challenge held at ICCV 2023.
1 code implementation • 5 Feb 2021 • Quentin Bouniot, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch
This leads to SAT (Sinkhorn Adversarial Training), a more robust defense against adversarial attacks.
1 code implementation • 5 Oct 2020 • Quentin Bouniot, Ievgen Redko, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch, Amaury Habrard
In this paper, we consider the framework of multi-task representation (MTR) learning where the goal is to use source tasks to learn a representation that reduces the sample complexity of solving a target task.
no code implementations • 28 Sep 2020 • Quentin Bouniot, Ievgen Redko, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch, Amaury Habrard
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first contribution that puts the most recent learning bounds of meta-learning theory into practice for the popular task of few-shot classification.