Search Results for author: Quentin Klopfenstein

Found 8 papers, 7 papers with code

Coordinate Descent for SLOPE

2 code implementations26 Oct 2022 Johan Larsson, Quentin Klopfenstein, Mathurin Massias, Jonas Wallin

The lasso is the most famous sparse regression and feature selection method.

feature selection

Beyond L1: Faster and Better Sparse Models with skglm

2 code implementations16 Apr 2022 Quentin Bertrand, Quentin Klopfenstein, Pierre-Antoine Bannier, Gauthier Gidel, Mathurin Massias

We propose a new fast algorithm to estimate any sparse generalized linear model with convex or non-convex separable penalties.

Model identification and local linear convergence of coordinate descent

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Quentin Klopfenstein, Quentin Bertrand, Alexandre Gramfort, Joseph Salmon, Samuel Vaiter

For composite nonsmooth optimization problems, Forward-Backward algorithm achieves model identification (e. g. support identification for the Lasso) after a finite number of iterations, provided the objective function is regular enough.

Linear Support Vector Regression with Linear Constraints

1 code implementation6 Nov 2019 Quentin Klopfenstein, Samuel Vaiter

This paper studies the addition of linear constraints to the Support Vector Regression (SVR) when the kernel is linear.


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