Search Results for author: Qun Li

Found 13 papers, 5 papers with code

Symmetrical Joint Learning Support-query Prototypes for Few-shot Segmentation

no code implementations27 Jul 2024 Qun Li, Baoquan Sun, Fu Xiao, Yonggang Qi, Bir Bhanu

We propose Sym-Net, a novel framework for Few-Shot Segmentation (FSS) that addresses the critical issue of intra-class variation by jointly learning both query and support prototypes in a symmetrical manner.


Investigating the Impact of Quantization on Adversarial Robustness

no code implementations8 Apr 2024 Qun Li, Yuan Meng, Chen Tang, Jiacheng Jiang, Zhi Wang

Quantization is a promising technique for reducing the bit-width of deep models to improve their runtime performance and storage efficiency, and thus becomes a fundamental step for deployment.

Adversarial Robustness Quantization

Preconditioned Federated Learning

no code implementations20 Sep 2023 Zeyi Tao, Jindi Wu, Qun Li

Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning approach that enables model training in communication efficient and privacy-preserving manner.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

MORE: Measurement and Correlation Based Variational Quantum Circuit for Multi-classification

1 code implementation21 Jul 2023 Jindi Wu, Tianjie Hu, Qun Li

MORE adopts the same variational ansatz as binary classifiers while performing multi-classification by fully utilizing the quantum information of a single readout qubit.

Binary Classification Quantum State Tomography

Vertical Federated Learning: Taxonomies, Threats, and Prospects

no code implementations3 Feb 2023 Qun Li, Chandra Thapa, Lawrence Ong, Yifeng Zheng, Hua Ma, Seyit A. Camtepe, Anmin Fu, Yansong Gao

In a number of practical scenarios, VFL is more relevant than HFL as different companies (e. g., bank and retailer) hold different features (e. g., credit history and shopping history) for the same set of customers.

Vertical Federated Learning

Scalable Quantum Neural Networks for Classification

1 code implementation4 Aug 2022 Jindi Wu, Zeyi Tao, Qun Li

The quantum feature extractors in the SQNN system are independent of each other, so one can flexibly use quantum devices of varying sizes, with larger quantum devices extracting more local features.

Binary Classification General Classification +1

LAWS: Look Around and Warm-Start Natural Gradient Descent for Quantum Neural Networks

1 code implementation5 May 2022 Zeyi Tao, Jindi Wu, Qi Xia, Qun Li

LAWS is a combinatorial optimization strategy taking advantage of model parameter initialization and fast convergence of QNG.

Combinatorial Optimization Visual Question Answering (VQA)

Dite-HRNet: Dynamic Lightweight High-Resolution Network for Human Pose Estimation

1 code implementation22 Apr 2022 Qun Li, Ziyi Zhang, Fu Xiao, Feng Zhang, Bir Bhanu

A high-resolution network exhibits remarkable capability in extracting multi-scale features for human pose estimation, but fails to capture long-range interactions between joints and has high computational complexity.

Pose Estimation Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

QuantumFed: A Federated Learning Framework for Collaborative Quantum Training

no code implementations16 Jun 2021 Qi Xia, Qun Li

With the fast development of quantum computing and deep learning, quantum neural networks have attracted great attention recently.

Federated Learning

Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Dispatching for Ridesharing Systems

no code implementations4 Sep 2020 Chang Liu, Jiahui Sun, Haiming Jin, Meng Ai, Qun Li, Cheng Zhang, Kehua Sheng, Guobin Wu, XiaoHu Qie, Xinbing Wang

Thus, in this paper, we exploit adaptive dispatching intervals to boost the platform's profit under a guarantee of the maximum passenger waiting time.

A new perspective in understanding of Adam-Type algorithms and beyond

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Zeyi Tao, Qi Xia, Qun Li

Moreover, we provide new variant of Adam-Type algorithm, namely AdamAL which can naturally mitigate the non-convergence issue of Adam and improve its performance.

Vocal Bursts Type Prediction

Compressive Sensing of Sparse Tensors

no code implementations24 May 2013 Shmuel Friedland, Qun Li, Dan Schonfeld

We then compare the performance of the proposed method with Kronecker compressive sensing (KCS) and multi way compressive sensing (MWCS).

Compressive Sensing Data Compression

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