Search Results for author: Rabin Yu Acharya

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

A Survey and Perspective on Artificial Intelligence for Security-Aware Electronic Design Automation

no code implementations19 Apr 2022 David Selasi Koblah, Rabin Yu Acharya, Daniel Capecci, Olivia P. Dizon-Paradis, Shahin Tajik, Fatemeh Ganji, Damon L. Woodard, Domenic Forte

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques have been increasingly used in several fields to improve performance and the level of automation.

Attack of the Genes: Finding Keys and Parameters of Locked Analog ICs Using Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations31 Mar 2020 Rabin Yu Acharya, Sreeja Chowdhury, Fatemeh Ganji, Domenic Forte

We also discuss how the GA attack can generalize to other recent analog locking techniques not tested in the paper

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