Search Results for author: Rachid Alami

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

An Epistemic Human-Aware Task Planner which Anticipates Human Beliefs and Decisions

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Shashank Shekhar, Anthony Favier, Rachid Alami

Our objective is to build a robot policy that accounts for uncontrollable human behaviors, thus enabling the anticipation of possible advancements achieved by the robot when the execution is not shared, e. g. when humans are briefly absent from the shared environment to complete a subtask.

Robust Robot Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration

no code implementations27 Feb 2023 Yang You, Vincent Thomas, Francis Colas, Rachid Alami, Olivier Buffet

Based on this, we propose two contributions: 1) an approach to automatically generate an uncertain human behavior (a policy) for each given objective function while accounting for possible robot behaviors; and 2) a robot planning algorithm that is robust to the above-mentioned uncertainties and relies on solving a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) obtained by reasoning on a distribution over human behaviors.

Robust Planning for Human-Robot Joint Tasks with Explicit Reasoning on Human Mental State

no code implementations17 Oct 2022 Anthony Favier, Shashank Shekhar, Rachid Alami

We consider the human-aware task planning problem where a human-robot team is given a shared task with a known objective to achieve.

Logic-Based Ethical Planning

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Umberto Grandi, Emiliano Lorini, Timothy Parker, Rachid Alami

In this paper we propose a framework for ethical decision making in the context of planning, with intended application to robotics.

Decision Making

Semantic Spatial Representation: a unique representation of an environment based on an ontology for robotic applications

no code implementations WS 2019 Guillaume Sarthou, Aur{\'e}lie Clodic, Rachid Alami

It is important, for human-robot interaction, to endow the robot with the knowledge necessary to understand human needs and to be able to respond to them.

HATP: An HTN Planner for Robotics

no code implementations21 May 2014 Raphaël Lallement, Lavindra de Silva, Rachid Alami

Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is a popular approach that cuts down on the classical planning search space by relying on a given hierarchical library of domain control knowledge.

Towards Combining HTN Planning and Geometric Task Planning

no code implementations4 Jul 2013 Lavindra de Silva, Amit Kumar Pandey, Mamoun Gharbi, Rachid Alami

In this paper we present an interface between a symbolic planner and a geometric task planner, which is different to a standard trajectory planner in that the former is able to perform geometric reasoning on abstract entities---tasks.

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