Search Results for author: Rafael Peñaloza

Found 14 papers, 0 papers with code

How to Blend Concepts in Diffusion Models

no code implementations19 Jul 2024 Giorgio Longari, Lorenzo Olearo, Simone Melzi, Rafael Peñaloza, Alessandro Raganato

Our goal is to understand how operations in the latent space affect the underlying concepts.

Image Reconstruction

Semiring Provenance for Lightweight Description Logics

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Camille Bourgaux, Ana Ozaki, Rafael Peñaloza

We define a provenance semantics for a language that encompasses several lightweight description logics and show its relationships with semantics that have been defined for ontologies annotated with a specific kind of annotation (such as fuzzy degrees).

Answering Fuzzy Queries over Fuzzy DL-Lite Ontologies

no code implementations23 Nov 2021 Gabriella Pasi, Rafael Peñaloza

In this paper we study the problem of answering conjunctive queries and threshold queries w. r. t.

Union and Intersection of all Justifications

no code implementations23 Sep 2021 Jieying Chen, Yue Ma, Rafael Peñaloza, Hui Yang

We present new algorithm for computing the union and intersection of all justifications for a given ontological consequence without first computing the set of all justifications.

Reasoning with Contextual Knowledge and Influence Diagrams

no code implementations1 Jul 2020 Erman Acar, Rafael Peñaloza

Influence diagrams (IDs) are well-known formalisms extending Bayesian networks to model decision situations under uncertainty.

Axiom Pinpointing

no code implementations18 Mar 2020 Rafael Peñaloza

Axiom pinpointing refers to the task of finding the specific axioms in an ontology which are responsible for a consequence to follow.

Provenance for the Description Logic ELHr

no code implementations21 Jan 2020 Camille Bourgaux, Ana Ozaki, Rafael Peñaloza, Livia Predoiu

We address the problem of handling provenance information in ELHr ontologies.

Temporal Logics Over Finite Traces with Uncertainty (Technical Report)

no code implementations12 Mar 2019 Fabrizio M. Maggi, Marco Montali, Rafael Peñaloza

Temporal logics over finite traces have recently seen wide application in a number of areas, from business process modelling, monitoring, and mining to planning and decision making.

Decision Making

A Decidable Very Expressive Description Logic for Databases (Extended Version)

no code implementations25 Jul 2017 Alessandro Artale, Enrico Franconi, Rafael Peñaloza, Francesco Sportelli

We introduce $\mathcal{DLR}^+$, an extension of the n-ary propositionally closed description logic $\mathcal{DLR}$ to deal with attribute-labelled tuples (generalising the positional notation), projections of relations, and global and local objectification of relations, able to express inclusion, functional, key, and external uniqueness dependencies.


Towards Statistical Reasoning in Description Logics over Finite Domains (Full Version)

no code implementations10 Jun 2017 Rafael Peñaloza, Nico Potyka

We present a probabilistic extension of the description logic $\mathcal{ALC}$ for reasoning about statistical knowledge.

Probabilistic Reasoning in the Description Logic ALCP with the Principle of Maximum Entropy (Full Version)

no code implementations30 Jun 2016 Rafael Peñaloza, Nico Potyka

A central question for knowledge representation is how to encode and handle uncertain knowledge adequately.

Reasoning in Infinitely Valued G-IALCQ

no code implementations29 Sep 2015 Stefan Borgwardt, Rafael Peñaloza

Fuzzy Description Logics (FDLs) are logic-based formalisms used to represent and reason with vague or imprecise knowledge.


Answering Fuzzy Conjunctive Queries over Finitely Valued Fuzzy Ontologies

no code implementations11 Aug 2015 Stefan Borgwardt, Theofilos Mailis, Rafael Peñaloza, Anni-Yasmin Turhan

Fuzzy Description Logics (DLs) provide a means for representing vague knowledge about an application domain.

Dynamic Bayesian Ontology Languages

no code implementations26 Jun 2015 İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Rafael Peñaloza

Many formalisms combining ontology languages with uncertainty, usually in the form of probabilities, have been studied over the years.

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