Search Results for author: Rafael Sacks

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Using digital twins for managing change in complex projects

no code implementations1 Feb 2024 Jennifer Whyte, Ranjith Soman, Rafael Sacks, Neda Mohammadi, Nader Naderpajouh, Wei-Ting Hong, Ghang Lee

We set out an approach to digital twin-based interface management and an agenda for research on advanced methodologies for managing change in complex projects.


Prototyping Virtual Reality Serious Games for Building Earthquake Preparedness: The Auckland City Hospital Case Study

no code implementations26 Feb 2018 Ruggiero Lovreglio, Vicente Gonzalez, Zhenan Feng, Robert Amor, Michael Spearpoint, Jared Thomas, Margaret Trotter, Rafael Sacks

We explore key design components for developing a VR SG framework: (a) what features constitute an earthquake event, (b) which building types can be selected and represented within the VR environment, (c) how damage to the building can be determined and represented, (d) how non-player characters (NPC) can be designed, and (e) what level of interaction there can be between NPC and the human participants.

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