no code implementations • 4 Apr 2024 • Shivam Singh, Karthik Swaminathan, Raghav Arora, Ramandeep Singh, Ahana Datta, Dipanjan Das, Snehasis Banerjee, Mohan Sridharan, Madhava Krishna
Specifically, DaTAPlan planner computes actions for an agent and a human to collaboratively and jointly achieve the tasks anticipated by the LLM, and the agent automatically adapts to unexpected changes in human action outcomes and preferences.
2 code implementations • 16 Aug 2020 • Hanqing Chao, Hongming Shan, Fatemeh Homayounieh, Ramandeep Singh, Ruhani Doda Khera, Hengtao Guo, Timothy Su, Ge Wang, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Pingkun Yan
Cancer patients have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality than the general population.
no code implementations • 16 Jul 2020 • Vinkle Srivastav, Britty Baby, Ramandeep Singh, Prem Kalra, Ashish Suri
The objective of the current study was to develop a modified version (Neuro-Endo-Trainer-Online Assessment System (NET-OAS)) by providing a stand-alone system with online evaluation and real-time feedback.
no code implementations • 8 Jul 2020 • Florin C. Ghesu, Bogdan Georgescu, Awais Mansoor, Youngjin Yoo, Eli Gibson, R. S. Vishwanath, Abishek Balachandran, James M. Balter, Yue Cao, Ramandeep Singh, Subba R. Digumarthy, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Sasa Grbic, Dorin Comaniciu
In our experiments we demonstrate that sample rejection based on the predicted uncertainty can significantly improve the ROC-AUC for various tasks, e. g., by 8% to 0. 91 with an expected rejection rate of under 25% for the classification of different abnormalities in chest radiographs.
no code implementations • 18 Jun 2019 • Florin C. Ghesu, Bogdan Georgescu, Eli Gibson, Sebastian Guendel, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Ramandeep Singh, Subba R. Digumarthy, Sasa Grbic, Dorin Comaniciu
We argue that explicitly learning the classification uncertainty as an orthogonal measure to the predicted output, is essential to account for the inherent variability characteristic of this data.
1 code implementation • 17 Jan 2019 • Fenglei Fan, Hongming Shan, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Ramandeep Singh, Guhan Qian, Matthew Getzin, Yueyang Teng, Juergen Hahn, Ge Wang
Inspired by complexity and diversity of biological neurons, our group proposed quadratic neurons by replacing the inner product in current artificial neurons with a quadratic operation on input data, thereby enhancing the capability of an individual neuron.