Search Results for author: Rami Puzis

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

ReMark: Receptive Field based Spatial WaterMark Embedding Optimization using Deep Network

no code implementations11 May 2023 Natan Semyonov, Rami Puzis, Asaf Shabtai, Gilad Katz

Watermarking is one of the most important copyright protection tools for digital media.

Cross Version Defect Prediction with Class Dependency Embeddings

no code implementations29 Dec 2022 Moti Cohen, Lior Rokach, Rami Puzis

Our approach uses network embedding techniques to leverage CDN information without having to build the metrics manually.

Graph Embedding Network Embedding

Can one hear the position of nodes?

1 code implementation10 Nov 2022 Rami Puzis

Wave propagation through nodes and links of a network forms the basis of spectral graph theory.

Position Representation Learning

Predicting traffic overflows on private peering

1 code implementation3 Oct 2020 Elad Rapaport, Ingmar Poese, Polina Zilberman, Oliver Holschke, Rami Puzis

Unfortunately, in case of a surge in traffic demand, for example due to a content trending in a certain country, the capacity of the private interconnect may deplete and the content provider/distributor would have to reroute the excess traffic through transit providers.

How Does That Sound? Multi-Language SpokenName2Vec Algorithm Using Speech Generation and Deep Learning

no code implementations24 May 2020 Aviad Elyashar, Rami Puzis, Michael Fire

Searching for information about a specific person is an online activity frequently performed by many users.

Sequence Preserving Network Traffic Generation

no code implementations23 Feb 2020 Sigal Shaked, Amos Zamir, Roman Vainshtein, Moshe Unger, Lior Rokach, Rami Puzis, Bracha Shapira

We examined two methods for extracting sequences of activities: a Markov model and a neural language model.

Language Modelling Two-sample testing

The Chameleon Attack: Manipulating Content Display in Online Social Media

1 code implementation16 Jan 2020 Aviad Elyashar, Sagi Uziel, Abigail Paradise, Rami Puzis

In this article, we discuss the Chameleon attack technique, a new type of OSN-based trickery where malicious posts and profiles change the way they are displayed to OSN users to conceal themselves before the attack or avoid detection.

Social and Information Networks

It Runs in the Family: Searching for Synonyms Using Digitized Family Trees

no code implementations9 Dec 2019 Aviad Elyashar, Rami Puzis, Michael Fire

As a result, there is a need for an effective tool for improved synonym suggestion.

Attack Graph Obfuscation

1 code implementation6 Mar 2019 Rami Puzis, Hadar Polad, Bracha Shapira

Before executing an attack, adversaries usually explore the victim's network in an attempt to infer the network topology and identify vulnerabilities in the victim's servers and personal computers.

Combinatorial Optimization

Classification of Smartphone Users Using Internet Traffic

no code implementations1 Jan 2017 Andrey Finkelstein, Ron Biton, Rami Puzis, Asaf Shabtai

Today, smartphone devices are owned by a large portion of the population and have become a very popular platform for accessing the Internet.

Classification General Classification

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