Search Results for author: Ramith Hettiarachchi

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

A Novel Transfer Learning-Based Approach for Screening Pre-existing Heart Diseases Using Synchronized ECG Signals and Heart Sounds

no code implementations2 Feb 2021 Ramith Hettiarachchi, Udith Haputhanthri, Kithmini Herath, Hasindu Kariyawasam, Shehan Munasinghe, Kithmin Wickramasinghe, Duminda Samarasinghe, Anjula De Silva, Chamira U. S. Edussooriya

Furthermore, our results show that individually collected ECG or PCG waveforms are able to provide transferable features which could effectively help to make use of a limited number of synchronized PCG and ECG waveforms and still achieve significant classification performance.

Transfer Learning

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