Search Results for author: Ramona Erber

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Analysing Diffusion Segmentation for Medical Images

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Mathias Öttl, Siyuan Mei, Frauke Wilm, Jana Steenpass, Matthias Rübner, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias Beckmann, Peter Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Katharina Breininger

However, there is a notable lack of analysis and discussions on the differences between diffusion segmentation and image generation, and thorough evaluations are missing that distinguish the improvements these architectures provide for segmentation in general from their benefit for diffusion segmentation specifically.

Denoising Image Generation +3

Style-Extracting Diffusion Models for Semi-Supervised Histopathology Segmentation

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Mathias Öttl, Frauke Wilm, Jana Steenpass, Jingna Qiu, Matthias Rübner, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias Beckmann, Peter Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Bernhard Kainz, Katharina Breininger

Specifically, we utilize 1) a style conditioning mechanism which allows to inject style information of previously unseen images during image generation and 2) a content conditioning which can be targeted to a downstream task, e. g., layout for segmentation.

Image Generation Segmentation

Improved HER2 Tumor Segmentation with Subtype Balancing using Deep Generative Networks

no code implementations11 Nov 2022 Mathias Öttl, Jana Mönius, Matthias Rübner, Carol I. Geppert, Jingna Qiu, Frauke Wilm, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias W. Beckmann, Peter A. Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Katharina Breininger

We show the suitability of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and especially diffusion models to create realistic images based on subtype-conditioning for the use case of HER2-stained histopathology.

Segmentation Tumor Segmentation

Superpixel Pre-Segmentation of HER2 Slides for Efficient Annotation

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Mathias Öttl, Jana Mönius, Christian Marzahl, Matthias Rübner, Carol I. Geppert, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias W. Beckmann, Peter Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Katharina Breininger

When evaluating the approaches on fully manually annotated images, we observe that the autoencoder-based superpixels achieve a 23% increase in boundary F1 score compared to the baseline SLIC superpixels.

Clustering Denoising +5

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